Chapter 10

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I try to process everything that James and Katelyn just said. I can still feel the adrenaline coursing through my veins. I can't tell whether or not they were telling me the truth or not but I can believe almost anything right now. Soon, the adrenaline turns into anger. I sigh and run my fingers through my hair before I head back into the room.

"So who exactly is this Nathaniel guy?" I ask James. I clench my jaw trying to sustain all the anger that is built up inside me. I take deep breaths so I can relax and I don't lose my cool.

"Nathaniel is my brother who is a perfect example for those old times vampires. The only difference is that he acts immature like all the kids of this generation." James' eyes doesn't lose contact from Katelyn as he speaks. His gaze is so strong, it's as if he believes when he looks away something will happen to her. Then, I think up one of the most awkwardest question you can ever ask a vampire.

"How old are you?" I question. That is when James looks away from Katelyn and looks at the floor.

"If I told you, you would be weirded out. And grossed out." James said looking at the floor.

"Tell me" Katelyn commanded in a soft voice. James backed up as far as he could from Katelyn's bed. Katelyn frowned more the farther he moved.

"Five centuries" James muttered. I wasn't really surprised but Katelyn sure was.

"Jesus" She whispered under her breath. " All these years I thought you were one year older than me. I find out that your centuries old. Why and how are you still young?"

"When vampires find their mate, they have the power to be whatever age they want to be. As long as it's between the time that you were first bitten and the end of human years. When you were first bitten is like rebirth. You can't be alive if you aren't born right?" James said everything with no humor at all. Everything he said was serious. 

While Katelyn sat there shocked, I sat there expectedly. Once I heard vampire come out his mouth, I didn't expect him to be young. The only word that I really caught was "mate".


Ok, so I'm really sleepy and I tried to make this longer and have two chapters come out for you guys but I need sleep. Tomorrow I will definitely have another longer chapter out. So again, if you want me to update another book, just let me know by comment or message. Bye :)

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