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ugh, its so cold.

Without opening my eyes I started to search for my blanket. when I found it I cuddled into it and fell back asleep.

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About an hour later I woke up again, expecting to be in bed. But instead I was in a dark cell. So every thing that happened wasn't a dream. Dang it.

I looked over to see Jason laying next to me. aww he looks so cute when he is sleeping. "Well at least i'm not alone" I whispered.

I cuddled into Jason waiting for him to get up. After a couple minutes I brought my hand up to his head and started playing with his hair. As I was doing this he stared to move. I slowly started to bring my hand away but Jason grabbed it and brought it back. I chuckled at him. "What?" He asked In a husky voice.

"Nothing, your just cute." I answered while still playing with his hair.

he chuckled, "And so are you" He replied looking up at me.

I looked away in embarrassment and when I did I remembered where we are. I groaned and looked back at Jason. "What?" He asked. 

"I can't believe last night actually happened, I can't believe it was real. I didn't want it to happen. I don't want to marry him. he is...." Jason cut me off my covering my mouth with his hand.

"Layla, chill. It's ok, everything will be fine. Trust me. I won't let you marry that weirdo." He told me looking dead into my eyes.

I turned away and cuddled back into Jason "ok, I believe you." I told him.

We sat there for a while. I was starting to get really bored and really hungry. I got up and paced back and forth. Why aren't we getting any food? "HELLO? CAN ANYONE HEAR ME? I'M HUNGERY, I WAN'T FOOD!" I yelled.

Jason chuckled and got up from the floor. "You know they probably can't hear you right?" He asked.

I shrugged " Yea but it was worth a shot." I told him.

a few minuets later the door at the front of the lines of cells opened. After a few moments a wherlem cam over with two trays of food. "Here, eat up. The king will be here later to get you." It hissed.

We grabbed the food and it turned and walked, or more like glided, away. I looked down at my tray and saw something that looks like oatmeal, fruit and toast. I looked at Jason's and his was the same as mine.

"Well I guess my yelling worked." I stated digging into my food.

Jason grunted as he was digging into his own food. I snorted.

"did you just snort?" He asked looking up from his food.

"Yea, at you." I laughed.

"Your weird." He stated with a smile on his face.

"I know." I said with a bigger smile.

I got up and grabbed Jason's hand and pulled him up. "this place is to boring." I stated.

"Yea, so? he asked

I Started singing 'Glad you came, by: the wanted"

I moved around Jason and started dancing while I was singing. I heard Jason laugh and then he started singing, and he had a great voice. I grabbed his hands again and got him dancing.

We were spinning jumping and dancing together. At the end of the song Jason spun me and brought me into him and whispered the last lyrics to me. He slowly leaned in when someone cleared their throat to the side of us.

Why does everyone interrupt us? I looked over to see two wherlems and matt in the middle. Well, we might as well get this over with.

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Heyy, thought I would do a quick update before I left. Let me know what you think!!!




~Haley Pro 

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