17 1 0

I woke up with an arm around my waist. I opened my eyes to find a sleeping Jason. He is really cute when he sleeps. I moved in closer, trying not to wake him up. But I did a horrible job at that. He moved and my eyes went up to find his blue eyes staring at me. "Morning sleepy head" I smirked and ruffled his hair.

I got up to get ready for the day and headed to the bathroom leaving Jason alone. I got undressed and stepped into the shower feeling relaxed as the warm water hit me. I eventually got lost in thought, but after a few minuets I pulled back to reality, boring reality and got out of the shower. I Walked into my room to find it empty and got dressed. I walked down the hall to smell pancakes, chocolate chip to be exact. I walked into the kitchen to find Jason in front of the stove flipping the delicious smelling pancakes. "You cook?" I asked in surprise.

"Yea, if you are like me, and love to eat. You have to know how to cook when no one else can for you." He said with a smirk on his face.

I rolled me eyes and walked to the island and sat down. He put a plate of golden brown chocolate chip pancakes and golden brown hash-browns. Yum!! "Where is everyone else?" I asked shoveling a fork full of food in my mouth.

My eyes rolled to the back of my head from the amazing flavor of the pancakes. They literally melted in your mouth. When I opened my eyes I found Jason smirking at me. "They went out on a 'whole day date'." He told me.

"umm, ok?" I asked shoveling the last bit of food in my mouth.

"So what do you want to do?" He asked me.

A smile appeared on my face. "Movie"

With that one word and 10 minutes later, we sat down and started a movie marathon on scary movie and then scream. About 7 hours later it was already 8 pm, and we finished all the movies. "How about we watch the Blair witch project and then we watch saw?" Jason asked me.

I smiled and nodded.

Around 11:30 pm I started to get tired and quickly fell asleep leaning against Jason.

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I shot straight up! What the heck was that. I looked around only to find Jason with a scared expression on his face.


This time I yelped. "What is that?" I whispered

He shrugged. I started to hear footsteps coming from above me. "I think It's coming from the attic." I whispered.

We got up and walked to the stairs. I stopped him and pointed to out shoes. He looked confused. "Glass" I told him.

He understood and put his on while I put mine on. We snuck upstairs and we got to the entrance to the Attic. I glanced at Jason before I grabbed the rope and gently pulled down. The stairs slowly creaked and groaned and the slowly cam down. Jason went up first with me right behind him. I grabbed the flashlights that were by the door and handed him one.

We got un the stairs and turned the lights on. We walked a few feet when we say something move. I walked towards it with Jason right behind me.


I jumped and yelped. I turned around to find the attic door shut. "Lizzy, Jack. If its you stop it!" I said.

Something flew past me and I quickly turned around.

I dropped my flashlight and let out a bloody murder scream.

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I am sooooo sorry it took so long to update!! I have been really busy. Im sorry that this update isn't very long, I just wanted to update so you didn't have to wait much longer. I will try to update sooner and make it LONGER!!!!




~Haley Pro

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