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I don't understand.

how could it be mat?

isn't he human?

how is this possible?

All these thoughts were going through me head. I didn't' know what to say. "How is this possible?" Jason asked.

"How is what possible?" Matt asked back.

gosh, I swear he is dumb. "This world, the wherlems, you being here?" I said finding my voice.

"Well you see, you guys don't live in a world you thought you live in. There are things 4that you don't even know exist. Like this place, its been around for a long time. It stared back about a hundred years ago. A science experiment went wrong, that's how the wherlems were made.  The scientist who made all this, the wherlems and this 'world', was my great grandpa, therefore making him the king." He explained.

"So are you human?" I asked

"Well duh." he said in a bored tone

"Then how are you the king of this place?" I questioned.

"Like I said, my great grandpa was the king. But as he got older he had to give up his title, so he passed it down to my grandpa, who passed it down to my dad, who died, so here I am. The new king." He explained.

oh, Well that makes sense, I guess. "But what do you want us for?" Jason asked.

hmm, good question. "Because I need a queen, and that was supposed to be Layla." He answered

"Well why would I want you? You abused me and treated me like crap!" I snapped at him.

"It was all part of training." He shrugged.

This guy is crazier than I thought. Who would want to be with this guy? "Training for what?" Jason asked.

"To be the queen, she needs to be tough." He said

"But how would you be so sure that I would want to be your queen? I mean who would want to be with a crazy person who abuses people? and live like this? Its just plain weird."  I told him.

"I don't know, someone who wants to be rich." he said

Gosh, he is sooo annoying. "Well to bad, I don't want to be your queen. Or even your friend." I spat.

"oh darn. Because in two weeks we are getting married, and there is nothing you can do about it." he told me

"NO! you can't make me. I don't want you, I want Jason!" I said.

Everything went quiet. Did I just say that?  I looked at Jason, and even though I only meet him like, two days ago, we have this really strong connection. He seems like a nice guy. Why not give him a chance?

"Well, too bad. You don't get him. You get me." Matt snapped causing me to look away from Jason.

I snorted and started to laugh. I can't believe this is actually happening. It must be a dream. Or I am seeing things from getting hit on the head to hard.

"Stop laughing. I don't get why your laughing." Matt said sounding mad.

"This. Can't. Be. Real" I said between laughs.

"Ok, I have had enough of you. Take them to the dungeon." He ordered.

'oh wow, way to treat your "queen" ' I thought. Really who did he thin he was?

Two wherlems came over to us and tugged at us to get up. Once we were standing the pushed us towards the door. We got out the door and walked down a long hallway. Yay more walking. Not thee sarcasm. about three hallways, how many are there here? its annoying, and going down a couple flights of stairs we came to a metal door.

A guard opened the door and they pushed us in. It was dark, creepy and there were a lot of cells. They walked us to the back one. After they opened it up they pushed us in it, and then locked the cell up.

After they left I turned to Jason who was already sitting. "Jason, I'm scared." I told him.

He opened his arms and I walked over to him. "It's ok, we will get out of here. I promise." He said as I cuddled into him.

We stayed like that for a while until I drifted off into a deep sleep.

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Heyy, I'm sorry I haven't updated in a while. I have been busy with sports and stuff. But sense they are over, I might start updating more and sooner.

I wont be able to update this weekend because I am going camping.

but what do you think of the update?

good, bad, ok? let me know!!




~ Haley Pro

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