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Layla's P.O.V

We were still holding hands when we got in the ice cream shop, and Jack was acting weird.. hmm.... I went to go get in line to order when I almost fell on my face. I heard girls laughing. Jason helped me up as I looked at the girls. Oh god, it was the worst girls to run into. They are so annoying and think they are all cool when they make me want to gag. "oh, is the little freak okay?" she asked

I rolled my eyes "Who are you to call me freak?" I asked.

The 'leader' Kathy looked Jason up and down. For some reason I got upset. "Who is this?" she practically purred. I rolled my eyes in disgust.

"That is Jason" I told her, trying to keep calm.

"Well Jason, what are you doing with a freak like her?" She asked.

"Well I'm here with LAYLA, not a freak, to get ice cream with our friends." He told her.

"hmm touchy, aren't we?" she asked running her hand down his chest twirling her hair. Ugh I wanted to punch her. I heard a low growl, yes growl, escape my lips.

 Kathy must have heard me because she started to hang on him. "Stop it." Jason said "lets go Layla"

He grabbed my hand and led me to the line, as we were walking I looked back at Kathy. Her face was amazing. The thing is, she tends to get what she wants. But to have him choose me over her? She looked like she wanted to murder someone, i'm guessing me.

I turned back around with a smile on my face. When I got to the front of the line my smile disappeared. Why? Because I came face to face with my ex boyfriend, Matt. "w-when did you s-start working here?" I managed to ask. Wow, what a great day.

"Last week. Who's this? Your boyfriend?" He asked angrily. 

"That is None of your business" I snapped "And why would you care?"  

"What would you like?" He asked with a rude tone.

"Just get me what I usually get" I told him. Which was a turtle sundae.

"I'll have a Turtle sundae." Jason Told him.

I looked up at him and gave him a shy smile. "What?"

"That is what my usual is." I told him.

While we waited it was complete silence, the comfortable kind. Why did Matt even care who Jason was? He is the one that left me, He is the one who cheated on me. Finally when I thought I was going to cry about thinking about it our order was ready. we grabbed our ice cream and walked over to the table Lizzy and Jack were at. Both of them were looking at me with sympathetic looks.

"What? Am I missing something?" Jason asked.

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