In which you are invited to a party

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(((sooo I head cannon Dave kinda out of character for most people, check the description for details. Have fun reading!)))

-- turntechGodhead [TG] Began pestering chumHandle [CH] at 8:32 --

TG: hey
TG: (Y/N)
TG: for the love of AJ answer me
CH: what do you want Elizabeth
TG: that, was uncalled for...
CH: did I hurt your cool?
TG: naw its way to rad for that
CH: so anyway, what's the AJ level emergency?
TG: right, (Y/N) party at my place you coming?
CH: sure thing 'Mr. Cool'. What time?
TG: 9:40
TG: see ya there
CH: k

-- turntechGodhead [TG] ceased pestering chumHandle [CH] at 9:22 --

I should probably get ready now....
I sighed and walked to my room to get dressed and do my hair, Dave hates it when I wear makeup so I've stopped bothering with it for the most part. I got dressed in dark grey skinny jeans and a red tee shirt as well as some black boots.

I pulled my hair back and left out enough to frame my face before walking over to the mirror there's no way Dave would think I'm cute, even if I'm in red and black...  I cleared my head and walked away  7:32 I should start walking. Placing the aviators Dave gave me a while back on my head, I grabbed my phone and walked out the door.

Dave's POV.

I sat in my truck in (Y/N)'s drive way, I'd been here since I stopped pestering her. I knew she'd try to walk to my place... alone... in the dark... I trust her, really I do, I... just don't want anything to happen to her... I love her. I've never told her and I probably never will because there's no way she'd love me back... right?

I'm snapped out of my thoughts when (Y/N) walked out. I got out of the car and walked up to her "how many times have I told you not to go walking around in the dark?"

"How many times have I told you I'll be fine? Plus you only live a few minutes from here. It's not even that far." (Y/N) replied.

"It's  miles away you suicide nerd." I argued knowing damn well the danger of walking through the city and then out into the country side at night.

"30 minutes"

"Bullshit (Y/N)"

"It is. If I run."

"Really? Then why are you leaving an almost 2 hours early?

"Well I..."

"Get in the car fucker"

"Yes, your Majesty" she teased. Giggling slightly before hugging me and walking over to the driver side of my pick up.

"Nice try, but you're not driving (Y/N)" I said after I looked back at the truck. I climbed in pushing her out of my seat playfully. She pouted before moving over and allowing me it sit properly in the drivers seat. "Put on some music" I said looking backwards as I pulled out. I stiffened slightly as I heard the country music fill the air. (Y/N) chuckled when she saw this, she knew what she was doing. She was trying to slowly chip away at my cool kid facade. And it was working.

"Dave?" She asked, trying to get my attention.

"What is it?"

"Can we take the back roads?"


"Can we take the back roads?" I asked knowing we had plenty of time to kill. And I like being alone with Dave, he drops the act and some times that beautiful accent of his comes out. He's way better when he isn't trying to impress someone or keep everyone out. I've known him since we were really really young. He moved out a few years ago and is living in the country side now. So he's no longer in the apartments down the street, but even then he'd always come and pick me up. Dave's never let me walk anywhere alone. Not that I can blame him. After all I'd almost gotten killed when we were kids. But that's not what I need to be thinking of. I looked back at Dave waiting for a response as we stopped at a red light.

Turning to me he could see the smile I was wearing and sighed. "Turn the music up, we're going the long way."  He flipped his turn signal to left and shook his head and chuckled as I clapped my hands excitedly before turning up the volume and opening the moon roof. I was winning. I was breaking his walls down and fast.

As Dave turned left the buildings shrank and the lights dimmed until the city sky line disappeared gently into the distance.

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