Biggest Fear

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The italics are for Rainbow Dash remembering her dream. So basically they are her mind...

(Rainbow Dash POV)

I now sat in bed thinking about my dream. It was all so realistic and happy. But of course it couldn't be happy for long. I rolled over trying to get the one scene from my dream out of my head. It just played over and over like a movie in my mind.

"I love you Twilight." I whispered to her. She turned and faced me with a smile.

"I love you too Rainbow Dash," she said before leaning in and kissing me. I began to return the kiss but she immediately pulled away.

"What are you doing!?" She yelled at me furious.

I instantly became confused and upset from why she now was yelling at me for returning the kiss. I backed away from her a bit, tears forming in my eyes.

"Rainbow Dash I don't actually love you." She told me sternly.

"Well then why did you kiss me," I now sounded sad and defeated.

"You are so dumb. You know I would never actually like you like that. I did it to make you happy for a moment. But when you kissed me back I realized how weird it was for you to be in love with me. Therefore we are from this point on we are not going to be friends."

The tears now began rushing down my face fast.

"Sorry Rainbow but this isn't going to work," she said before flying away.

I now sat alone crying and confused. I didn't understand anything that she said and my heart was just broken.

This is what was keeping me up. The words and how what my dream told me is probably true. My biggest fear of her not wanting to be my friend.

I finally drifted to sleep with my nightmare still echoing my mind.

Sorry this is super short. Been really busy and I'm having writer's block!

You know what to do if you find a mistake!

THANK YOU for all of the votes and THE 1K READS!! I love all of you guys that enjoy reading this!! THANKS SO MUCH!

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