Imagination Can Play Tricks

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I am proud to announce that this has surpassed 400 reads!! I never imagined this getting that much. I was just doing this for fun, but you guys are amazing!

In celebration for this here's a new part!
Twilights POV

I heard her say it. I heard her say those words back.

I tossed and turned trying to conceal my happiness. Rainbow Dash said that she loves me.

'Maybe I'm imagining it," my thoughts drifted. 'I am tired. My mind just wanted to hear those words. My imagination can play tricks on me.'

I silently got mad at myself for these probably true thoughts. Suddenly I heard a pony get up. I rolled over to see Pinkie Pie walking out of the room.

'What's she doing up? Should I go and follow her,' again my thoughts caused me to get frustrated.

I rolled out of bed carefully not waking the others. I saw how peaceful everybody looked sleeping. Not to mention how adorable Rainbow Dash looked.

'I hope she's having a good dream,' I thought smiling.

I trotted out of the room quietly as possible; making sure not to wake anypony. I walked down the hall then silently flew down the stairs.

'Now where did Pinkie Pie go...?'

I heard some distinct laughter and voices in the throne room with the now back to normal map. I flew there to see the door closed. I heard loud crashes and voices whispering.

"Stupid Pinkie Pie. Stupid me."

'Pinkie...? What is she doing in the throne room.' I thought to myself puzzled.

"It's all your fault. Obviously Rainbow has liked Twilight from the start. Also Twilight having feelings for her back was so obvious. Now it's just lonely old Pinkie Pie." Her voice sounded angry and full of hate.

I opened the door a bit to see a Pinkie Pie sitting in her chair. She had flat dark pink hair, and her color was fading. With her back turned to me I don't think she noticed me looking at her through the crack. I was wrong.

She turned around.

Her eyes were bloodshot and full of confusion. Her mouth had a scary demented smile that made her look crazy. I noticed the bit of blood on her hoof instantly striking fear in my heart.

"Pinkie.." I started to attempt to talk to this new pony.

"Oh Twilight! How wonderful of you to join me! I was just talking about you. Here come here and take a seat. We can talk about everything!" She yelled. Her words twisted and her smile changing ever so slightly to a bigger smile.

"Pinkie Pie its nighttime. Let's go back upst-" but I was cut off.

"I'm not Pinkie Pie, Twilight. I'm Pinkamena."

"Okay sorry Pinkamena..." I didn't know what to say.

"It's fine Twilight. Also I got rid of that Flash for you." She told me in a blank calm voice.

"Oh did he go back to Canterlot," I asked her scared.

She got up from the chair and walked over to me. Her eyes growing darker and darker as she grew near. Her smile never left her face. Finally when she was about a foot away from me she stopped and stared at me.

"You could say that Twilight."

I let out blood curtailing scream.


I woke up immediately drenched in sweat. I saw my friends all surrounding me with worried faces.

"Darling are you okay!?" Rarity asked me concerned. "What happened!?"

I then saw Pinkie Pie. "Pinkie go away." I told her terrified.

"Twilight that's not nice to say to a concerned friend!" Applejack grew mad at me. I saw Pinkie Pie begin to tear up.

"Something obviously happened here. Did you have a nightmare?" Rainbow Dash asked me fully concerned.

I nodded my head.

"Okay. It's okay now Twi. You have me and the rest of the girls now. We are all here for you. Whatever happened in your nightmare never happened in reality. It's all okay," Rainbow's voice soothed me.

"Twilight I know that nightmares are scary, but they aren't real. It's all okay. Why don't you apologize to Pinkie for yelling?" Fluttershy's sweet voice offered.

'But she was going to kill me. She tried to kill me. She killed or hurt Flash.' My thoughts began to scare me even more than the nightmare.

'No that was a dream. Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash are right. Apologize to Pinkie Pie.' My thoughts argued me to believe it was a dream. I took a deep breath then released it calming me.

"I'm sorry Pinkie. In my nightmare you were just so scary and I didn't know what to do. I'm so sorry for yelling." I told her.

"It's fine Twilight." Pinkie Pie replied with a blank face.

"On that note can I return to my beauty sleep?" Rarity asked climbing back into her bed.

"Yeah sounds good to me," AJ replied.

"Sorry girls." I felt bad that I scared them about something so stupid.

"It's fine Twi. We are always here for you." Rainbow said. The others climbed into their beds and Pinkie just came over to me. She wrapped her hooves around me into a hug.

"I'm so sorry Pinkie," my voice so quiet that the others couldn't hear.

"It's fine Twilight." She took a deep breath.

"But that wasn't a nightmare."

Tada! An update! Thank you for reading this all of you! I hope you enjoy this! Updates will be slow just a heads up.

What do you think of crazy Pinkamena? Should she stay in the story or nah? I'm trying to spice it up.

Please tell me if there's a mistake I missed like usual and I hope you enjoyed this part!

Keep staying fabulous.

Nothing Will Change ~Twidash~Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora