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(Rainbow Dash's POV)

I sat there in shock. I had my mouth agape and obviously Fluttershy noticed me, because she broke down even more.

"I knew it! I knew I shouldn't have said anything to you! I knew you would find it weird," her weak voice breaking with sadness.

"Flutters calm down. I don't find it weird at all. I know it's hard and scary." I tried to calm her.

"No you don't know!" She yelled at me. She ran to the corner and had her back to me. I immediately felt a sad burning sensation in my heart. I went over and put my hoof on her shoulder calming her. I heard her weeping and sniffling, and I knew there was only one thing to do.

"I like Twilight." I flat out told her.

Suddenly her sniffling stopped and she turned to me. Tears were dripping off her face and her eyes were wide and confused.

"What?" She asked me confused.

"I. Like. Twilight. Sparkle. My. Best. Friend." I told her calmly.

"Really," she sniffled.

"Yeah Flutters I do," I confessed in a hush tone. "I've liked her for a while, but I didn't want to ever say anything. You took a big risk telling Pinkie how you feel. For that reason I think that's really good to get that off your chest."

"Actually," she whispered. "I didn't tell Pinkie."

"What? Then how did you find out that she doesn't like you?" I asked now confused again.

"Well as Pinkie Pie being my best friend she told me she had to talk to me about something. Of course I listened and I'm sorry to say this but Pinkie also likes Twilight." Flutters sounded even more crushed than before.

Hearing her say those words made me feel the same stabbing in my heart I felt when Pinkie told me she liked Twilight. Now I am NOT big on telling my emotions to others or admitting them to myself but this time it was different. I felt as if I wanted to go up to Twilight and tell her how I feel. But I can't. Suddenly I felt a tear escape from my eye.

"Oh Rainbow I am so sorry. I knew I shouldn't have told you. I should have waited for Pinkie to tell you herself," Fluttershy began to cry even harder.

I sniffled and gave out a slight chuckle before smiling. "Flutters I know she does. She told me today. Honestly after she told me how she felt about her I then realized how I felt. It's all good," I finished trying to sound positive.

"Oh okay Rainbow. Only if you say so," Fluttershy whispered.

"Yeah it's all good. Now let's stop having a tear fest and get some rest. Twilight's gonna need us tomorrow. Even though we all have really mixed feelings about each other the six of us gotta stay together. They need loyalty and kindness there so we better hit the hay. Or go upstairs and hang. It'll be okay in the long run." I tried to reassure Fluttershy.

"Yeah I guess you are right," she replied quietly before we headed upstairs. We began to talk about playing a game or something when suddenly there was a loud knock on the cottage door. I ran down the stairs and opened it to see Flash the orange pegasus from before.

"What do you want right now?" I asked him annoyed.

"It's Twilight,"he began out of breath. "She needs you guys to come to the castle at once." He told me before flying off towards Sweet Apple Acres.

'I really don't like that pony. There is just something suspicious about him spending so much time with Twilight,' I thought to myself.

"Rainbow Dash who was that," Fluttershy asked me as she came down the stairs.

"That weird Flash from before. We need to go to Twilight's castle now apparently. Looks like we are seeing her sooner than we thought."

Hello there. Sorry it took so long for a new part. Hopefully you think it's worth the wait!! (Please tell me if you think it is)

Thanks to @penguinsaremajestic for voting! It means a lot.

Keep being amazing!!

Nothing Will Change ~Twidash~Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя