Longer Stay...?

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(Rainbow POV)

Fluttershy and I immediately flew out of her cottage towards the castle. I had to wait a bit for Fluttershy, because she wasn't in the biggest hurry to see Twilight like I was. Finally when we arrived Rarity and Pinkie Pie were standing outside the doors.

"Hey why's the door locked?" I asked the two ponies confused.

"Don't know dear," Rarity's sweet dainty voice informed me. Suddenly we heard hoofsteps coming from behind. Fluttershy and I landed to see AppleJack running towards us.

"I got the message from Flash and got here as fast I could," she told us when she stopped running.

"Wow Twilight really has it going for this Flash. Even making him fly and run errands. I'm quite impressed," Rarity said.

I flattened my ears annoyed at Rarity. I noticed Pinkie Pie showed no signs of emotion to this statement like I did.

"I mean he is a royal guard for the princess. Also he is mighty attractive. Not to mention he is a very fast flyer," Rarity finished with a big smile.

"I'M FASTER!" I yelled at her. Suddenly I noticed the girls all take a step back from me. I felt my heart burn in pain and agony from what Rarity just said and how I reacted.

"Well of course you are faster, you are the amazing Rainbow Dash. Twilight tells me so much about you," a voice from behind me said. I turned around to see the one and only Flash Sentry standing behind me. I felt my checks heat up in anger.

"Yeah I am faster. Sorry I just can't risk my reputation to be ruined or changed by some pegasus." I gave him a fake smile and acted like I was actually happy and fine.

"Anytime you want to race I'm up for it. I mean I know you are faster, but why not race?"

"Sure. Sounds good with me," I told him glad that the conversation was over. Suddenly the door was opened with magic. There in the doorway stood a distressed Twilight Sparkle and a little helpful Spike.

"Hi girls," she tried giving a smile before stumbling. I ran to her side and put my hoof on her trying to help.

"She is very tired and weak at the moment," Flash said as he walked over and did the same. "It's fine Rainbow I have Twi."

I took a step back at the nickname he just said for Twilight. I fell back into the line of girls furious and jealous about this stallion.

At use of the nickname "Twi" I immediately felt a burning anger inside me rise up. Twi was the nickname I gave her when we became besties. Sure I still call her "egghead" but when we decided that we were going to best friends then I was to call her "Twi." Sure the others are fine at using it, but a stupid stallion that just comes in and falls head over heels for my best friend and uses it there are consequences.

"Thanks Flashy," Twilight said. I heard Rarity squeal at the sounds of them calling each other nicknames.

"So Twilight what's wrong," Pinkie asked in her high pitched voice. I heard the others give a slight worries 'mhm' next to me.

"Oh yes right this way. It's the map," she told us as we walked towards the room keeping the map. Flash was right on her side while Spike on her other causing me to have no way next to her. I heard Rarity go over and start whispering to AppleJack about something. I decided to fly over everyone, so no one could sense the tension I was probably forming. I noticed Fluttershy and Pinkie talking and I couldn't help smile at them. 'You get her Flutters," I thought.

When we arrived at the room I swooped down from my flying and landed on the floor. I was behind everyone and kept hearing a lot of stunned voices. When I entered the room I could tell why they had stunned voices.

The map was destroyed. Not just destroyed but shattered making it unreadable. The chairs or thrones surrounding it were smashed up into pieces as well. All of the places across Equestria was smashed to thousands of little fractures.

"What happened here," Fluttershy whispered.

"That's exactly why I called you guys here," Twilight told us.

"But, Spike weren't you watching over the castle?"AppleJack's thick country accent asked.

"Yeah but when I left hearing Twilight's return the castle was fine. I don't know what happened," Spike told us.

"It's okay Spike I believe you." Twilight reassured him.

"The culprit will be caught! I'll just stay here and make sure the princess is okay until we find the pony who did this terrible thing," Flash announced.

I growled in annoyance. Fluttershy who was next to me heard this and kicked my hoof.

"Oh wait. Why don't we stay with Twilight? Flash you have so much to do in Canterlot for Celestia it's no big deal. Go home you have done quite enough here." I tried to offer a way for him to get out of Twilight's life.

"Oh no it's no problem for me. Princess Celestia probably doesn't need me. Also this is a bigger problem at the moment," he said with a big annoying smile.

"Well we can stay here just in case of anything happening to you. We can also stay here, because we would love to catch up with Twilight," Fluttershy offered.

"Yeah," Pinkie Pie agreed.

"Well I can't look over you guys and protect you. I'm one pony that can look over one pony," Flash tried to convince us.

"Excuse me? We can take care of ourselves," I assertively told him.

"Let them stay Flash. I would love to catch up with my friends," Twilight weakly asked.

"Okay I'll let you stay," Flash finally gave up.

"YAY!" The five of us yelled in joy.

"Here girls lets go to my room and chat. Flash can you put the guest beds in my room please," Twilight's weak voice asked.

"Yeah Twi of course," he replied before flying off.

"Onwards to Twilights room!" Pinkie Pie yelled!

Well that's the newest part. Hope all y'all love it.

Also if there are mistakes please just tell me where so I can fix them. You don't have to go and tell me how to fix them or go all grammar freak on me. I think I can figure out my stupid mistakes. Sorry if this offends anyone I just am able to figure out my mistakes. Thank you!

Keep being amaze maze!

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