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So guys!!! My FIRST NCIS Fanfiction, I hope you enjoy it. Just one thing, I made Eleanor Bishop as Abby's lab assistant because I didn't want her getting in the way but I still wanted her in the story. Don't get mad. Oh and this is literally republished 🤗

Ziva woke up groggily in her apartment in Israel and sighed. Last night she stayed up so late she went to bed at two in the morning. Ziva was never one to pack the night before however she just hadn't had time any other day. Water, food, guns. It was going to be a dangerous mission.

She'd gotten used to Mossad, being there for three years now.

The bed she slept in really was too big for her but she loved the space in the morning where she could just simply roll over to the cold part of the bed and it felt really nice. But then again, nobody really needed to know that did they?

She sat up and rubbed her eyes. She never really woke up this early either, she was most likely stressing over the very dangerous mission she had to go on that day with the Mossad.

• • •

Gunshots sounded everywhere, filling her ears. This wasn't part of the plan! She wasn't supposed to get shot! She took cover behind an old truck. And just escaped as it blew to smithereens. She then ducked behind a bush. Little did she know there was someone waiting right for her with a gun....and a knife.

With Abby and McGee

"So when you mix the hydrochloride with the-"

"No Timmy, you mix that one with the sodium which creates-"

"I swear you said that one!" McGee protested and Abby gave him a look that said shut the hell up or die.

Before McGee had a chance to cower under her gaze, the phone started ringing.

"Abigail Sciuto, how can I help-"

"Abby I need to speak with Gibbs, ow, ah um yeah please?"

"Ziva?! Omg hi!! Are you-"

"Gibbs Abby!"

"Sorry! I'll hand you over," Abby said, slightly disappointed that she didn't even say hello or engage in a friendly conversation but there was something not right about Ziva's tone of voice.

However she forgot about it and moved on to a conversation with her lab assistant of one year, Eleanor Bishop, and McGee.

"Who was that?" Eleanor asked, frowning and Abby shook her head sadly.

Gibbs took the phone from Abby.

"Gibbs? Ah Ziva! Are you okay? Sounds a lot like you're in pain to me," Gibbs asked and Tony's head snapped up at the mention of Ziva and pain in one sentence.

"Gibbs I'm in hospital," she answered, "It has nothing to do with you just if I miss my call I give you guys every month, that's why."

"How'd you end up in hospital?!"

Tony's eyes widened, so wide that they looked like he'd just witnessed McGee unable to hack a computer. Or Ducky refusing to do an autopsy. Or Abby not wanting a caf pow. You get the point don't you?

"I got shot Gibbs. Twice."

"SHOT TWICE?! Where? And DiNozzo go inside before you faint," Gibbs half rolled his eyes at him.

Tony willingly obliged and hurried out of the room with a worried expression on his face. Ziva got shot? Twice? How?! She survived? How?! So many questions were floating around in a frenzy inside his head, and none of them he had the answers to.

"Chest and right arm. Have  you heard about the shootings in Israel lately? Well I thought the mission would be in a safe place, free of all that but my gunshot wounds say otherwise," Ziva winced and groaned.

"Chest?! But wouldn't that penetrate your lungs?"

"Missed by an inch, according to the doctors. The ambulances arrived quickly because they were nearby and I am one of their best fighters apparently," Ziva told him, sarcastic as ever, even in pain.

"Well Ziver they didn't get that wrong. But I should come over to investigate then, Israel or not, because this is some serious stuff and they've put one of my agents in danger!"

"Gibbs really, don't worry about me! Honestly, don't, I'm not your priority or problem anymore, I don't work for NCIS anymore remember? So technically I'm not an agent. The only reason I called was in case you guys missed my monthly call that you normally get from me, that's all!" Ziva protested, shaking her head even though Gibbs couldn't see her.

"Ziva you will always be my priority, you're the daughter I never had. I never got the chance to save mine. You are important to me. Now I'm coming over!" Gibbs hung up.

It was a statement, not a suggestion, a question nor a query. Gibbs was going, that's it, end of story, goodbye the end.

Ziva sighed and slumped down in her hospital bed, wincing from the pain as she did so.

"MCGEE!! Pack your bags. DINOZZO! Yours too. We leave first thing tomorrow. I just need to book the flight."

"Flight? Boss?" Tony asked slowly.

"Where are we going? I mean, tomorrow?! Doesn't give us a lot of time to pack for wherever it is we're going does it? Are you sure it's enough time?" McGee enquired quickly, frowning.

He knew Gibbs was a spur of the moment decision making man, but he never knew him to be this spur of the moment.

"McGee. Do what I say. We leave for Israel at six thirty."

"Why are we going to Is-"

"ZIVA!" Tony gasped.

Tony and McGee exchanged a look and ran out the door.

Tony helped McGee pack at his house then McGee helped Tony pack at his. Ziva was hurt and she needed their help.

Tony didn't even care about the case.
Ziva was the only thing on his mind.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2016 ⏰

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