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Aylas pov;

You may call me stupid ,dumb ,thick etc but I don't care. I love him he's my world and he keeps me strong inside even though he fucked me up on the outside. Why can't everyone see what I see in him? Shanks is my baby , my husband and soon we can make our own family. I missed the last day of school. Oh wells it's not like anyone misses me... It doesn't even matter if I don't have good education cause I'm gonna be Shanks trap queen , he said I can work with him in the bando soon but not now.

Kyla and me barely talk now it's like she's neglecting me.  We don't take them stupid twin pictures no more and we rarely see each other. Our rooms are opposite each other. She wants to make it look like it is Shanks fault but really and truly it's hers. Why can't she be happy for me? Why can't anyone? I just don't understand. I sort of miss school though with my girls. I need to see them soon lol but as for everyone else they're dead to me. No body cares for me and that stupid boy Ashley I'll never ever forget the time he embarrassed me on the main road by tripping me up and making me drop face first it still scars me until this day. This was way back in yr7 but still. And I actually thought he was good looking at the time. Hmm... But then I went out with Mason sooo...
Anyways I got up to go in the shower I stripped and looked at my self in the mirror. My bones show a lot more now and my figure is fading since I haven't eaten but Shanks said he would love me regardless of what I look like. Yes he's violent but I can hack it fam. It's not that deep tho cos he's loving (sometimes) and caring -(partly). Since the last time , he made it up to me by taking me out to cheeky Nandos  all I got was a petite chicken salad I wasn't in the mood to eat. Tbh I never am anymore. I don't feel different or anything though.
I turned the shower on them rapped my hair and put my shower cap on. I stepped into the shower and did my business. I jumped out real quick cos I forget to take my nude pic for my bae. Every time I go in the shower/bath , he asked me to send him a pic. I don't give a fuck it's not like I'm fat or flat chested or ultra skinny. My shape is still noticeable. But yh after that I continued on with my hygiene etc.

9 minutes later I hear the door unlock and lots of noise.
"Aylaaaaaa!" Wait is that Chantel.
I rapped my towel around my body quickly then hurried down stairs to see the ganggg.
A huge smile grew upon my face I've missed these lots so much but I'm moving very anti.
"Aayyy gang!" I said happily everyone replied"AAYYYY!"

"Erm where's Nelly?" I asked with curiosity
Kyla said that she's with her man I just raised my eyebrows whilst everyone else made themselves comfortable.
Me:well I need to get dressed guys.
Them lot said ok ,yh etc. I ran upstairs to cream my self and all thattt.
Once I got my black leggings and black T-shirt on, I put on my black furry socks. Whilst doing so , I heard my phone vibrating like mad. I sprung up to answer it. Oh it was bae.

Me:hey babe
Shanks:Yo. Come link me
Me:i can't my friends are here and I have-
Shanks:fuck ur friends and come see me
Me:babe I-
Shanks:I'll be there in 7 minutes bye.

With that he locked off. Fucking hell.
I just put on my black Uggs and my black Zara jacket on as well. All black errythanggg.
I picked up my phone , keys , buss pass (cos he may not drop me home) and headphones and put them in my pocket and then ran downstairs.

Me:Ahh guys Shanks is picking me up in a minute.
Chantel:what? Why? Look how long we haven't seen you for
Shanay:in it don't leave
Me:sorry guys I've got to
Kyla:See he rules her
Me:Shut the fuck up no he doesn't.
Kyla:don't fucking swear at me.
Kyla started walking towards me all up in my personal space. I pushed her so she could back up. It was a gentle push.
Kyla:WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU TOUCHING ME? You can't even see it he's changing you.
Me:nope he loves me.
I said shaking my head.
I slapped her across her face. She pushed me so hard and my back slammed against the wall harrdd.
I shouted then stormed out irritated but then happy to see my kings car pulling up.

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