[10] the new intern

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"TORI KELLY, RIGHT?" DEMI LOVATO SAYS, standing up from her seat beside a large table of the meeting room, a smile on her face as she looks at Tori walking in the room.

"Uh yeah, yeah I'm Tori, nice to meet you." Tori says, smiling but a little dazzled by the amazing vocalist in front of her, they both shook hands.

"Nice to meet you too, here take a seat."  Demi motions for her to take a seat beside her and they both sat down.

"As you may know, I run this company with my business partner and friend Nick Jonas, but since he is in New York doing interviews and such, he can't be here with us today, you'll be dealing with me. He also sends his apologies." Demi tells Tori, giving her a nod before picking up the stack of papers beside her, looking down at them. "So what I've seen from your form is that you are still in college, but you are studying to become a musical producer? Also, in the past that you have started a career on Youtube but you had stop, would you explain to me why is that?" Demi cuts to the chase, her tone professional and politeness as she looks at the sack of papers in her hands, before glancing up at Tori.

Tor's hands felt sweaty and she presses them together in her lap, nodding at Demi. "Yes, that is correct. I'm still studying but I'll be graduating in the fall. I did start a career on YouTube but after my brother passed in a car accident last year, I stopped. He was my biggest fan, y'know? Music has always been a sanctuary for me, like a safe haven. I've been always writing songs and singing around the house or jamming out in the car. Anyways, becoming a singer has always been my plan A, and music producer is my plan B if singing doesn't work out." Tori says, a bit of nervous as Demi turns to look at her as she speaks, and Tori had to clear her throat when she had to speak about her brother's death, even after a year, it's still hard to speak about it.

"I'm sorry for your loss." Demi says, giving her a soft sympathetic smile. "I've also seen some videos on YouTube, just a couple, and that you all do this in your bedroom? You even wrote, produced, played and sung on your first record in your room?" Demi asks, setting down her papers and sitting up straighter in her seat.

"Yeah," Tori chuckles, before reaching into her purse and pulling out her CD that she proudly made by herself in her room, Handmade Songs by Tori Kelly, then she hands the CD to Demi. "It's just six songs but I did it all."

Demi grabs the CD case from her and turns it to the back, she reads the songs on the back before nodding, she looks back at Tori with a smile. "Okay, great, c'mon, I wanna hear this." Demi stands from her seat, and motions for Tori to follow her.

Tori blinks, before standing up too and following her out of the meeting room. "You see, Nick and I have recently just started this record company and we are looking for singers, songwriters, music producers, musicians, all those people to sign with. We sadly only have a few people with us, so that is why Nick is in New York, he's finding the next star we're going to sign with. In Safehouse Records, we give all creativity and control to the singer when they are creating their album. They make what they want to make, without any other limits to hold them back. We want the singer to express themselves into their music." Demi explains to Tori as they walk together to a studio booth, Demi opens the door and they walk in as she flicks on the lights.

Tori looks in awe at the amount of production there was in the studio. the room was decorated with fresh modern furniture, a black leather sofa was pushed up against the wall beside them, some guitars hang on the walls with a few posters of legendary artists, and beside the sofa was a small black fridge, and in front of the sofa was two wheely chairs sitting in front of the music production. So many buttons and levers, three computers sat around it. Beside the production was a door leading in the booth, around it was a drum kit, a few guitars, a piano in the corner and a couple of other instruments. In the center of the room had a old 50s microphone and in front of it was a paper stand, some headphones laying on top of it.

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