[5] i hate mondays

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TORI KNOCKS ON THE DOOR LOUDLY, but also enough not to wake up Tommy in her arms. She waits for Rebecca to open the door, her sister-in-law, and when she doesn't, she sighs as she bends down. Careful of not dropping Tommy, Tori picks up the flower pots beside the door, looking for a key under the flower pot.

Soon finding it, she stands up again and jams the keys into the lock, she turns it and the door clicks. Opening the door, Tori enters the house and close the door behind her. She sets the key down on the counter beside her and frowns at the mess before her.

There was clothes thrown all over the floor, food stain the floor and as Tori walked further inside, she rubs Tommy's back soothingly as she pokes her head into the kitchen. It was a mess.

Dirty dishes were stack up in the sink, the counter was filled with leftovers and pizza boxes. The floor had a spill on it, it looked like coffee, Tori wasn't sure.

Sighing, she walks to Tommy's room, and sighed at the mess inside. There was a pile of dirty clothes beside his dresser, his bed sheets were thrown over, and Tori could see a stain on his bed sheet. He must've peed himself, Tori thought to herself as she walks to his bed. Grabbing the bed sheets with her free hand, she yanks it off and sets Tommy down in his bed. Leaning over, she runs her fingers through his curly hair and kiss his forehead.

Taking the dirty sheets and the dirty clothes, she close his bedroom door behind her and walks to the washing room. Tori went through the clothes, sorting them out, dark clothes with dark clothes, light clothes with light clothes, that kind of stuff. She threw in the first pile she grabbed and started the washing machine. Guess she'll do the laundry while she's here.

Moving out of the room, she went to look for Rebecca.

The house was quiet.

Walking quietly to the room that Rebecca and her brother once share, Tori paused in front of the door.

A man's boxers was laying on the floor.

"Oh my god," Tori whispers before grabbing the door handle and yanking it open. She looks at the bed, to see Rebecca sleeping on the bed with an unknown man beside her, they were both undressed.

Angry, Tori went to the bathroom, filled up a cup with cold water and went back to the bed. She threw the water on the both of them.

"Get up!" She says, and they both gasp, sitting up and blinking their eyes.

"What the fuck?" The man says, rubbing his face.

"You, leave, right now. Grab your things and leave." Tori points at him.

"Who's this?" The man points at Tori and he looks over at Rebecca as she groans.

"My sister-in-law." She sighs, and looks at her, bags were clear under her eyes and her hair was messy as she tug the covers over her. "Tori, please, can you—"

"No. Don't Tori me, okay? I'll hear it when he leaves. Hey man, out, right now." Tori snaps, pointing at the door. The man rolls his eyes and leans over, kissing Rebecca before getting up. He grabs his clothes, changing into them, and Tori kept her eyes on Rebecca, disapproval was all Tori felt. And anger too.

The man leaves and once Tori heard the front door shutting close, she snaps at Rebecca. "What the heck is your problem Rebecca? How many men did you brought home? You know what, don't even answer that. I don't wanna know. But whatever it is you're going here, it has to stop. Now." Tori shakes her head, she scoffs as she paces the floor while Rebecca buries her head in her hands. "What about Tommy? I asked him earlier where you were and he told me you were sick. Well it seems to me you aren't. Want to tell me what is going on?" Tori puts her hands in her hips, looking at her as she stop pacing.

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