[8] first date

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"HEY SLEEPY HEAD," TORI HEARS MATEO saying into her ear and she moans quietly, shoving her face into his chest some more and squeezing his waist tightly.

"I know, I don't wanna get up or leave either, but we both have college and I for one don't want to miss a class. I rather stay here with you but we both have responsibilities." He says and Tori shakes her head, she squeezes her eyes shut as she felt his fingers running through her curly hair.

"I don't wanna go anywhere." Tori mumbles against his chest. She had stayed up last night writing the rest of her song Dear No One, and she had only gone to sleep a couple of hours before.

"Me either." Mateo says quietly, his fingers playing with her hair and it only made Tori want to fall asleep again. One thing about her, she loved it when someone plays with her hair.

They both fall quiet and Tori sighs as she snuggles into Mateo's body, not wanting to leave his side or his warm bed.

"Qué intenso es esto del amor, Qué garra tiene el corazón, sí, Jamás pensé que sucediera así, Bendita toda conexión; Entre tu alma y mi voz, sí, Jamás creí que me iba a suceder a mí," Mateo sings in Spanish quietly to her, and Tori opens her eyes, realizing that he had a soothing and calm voice, his tone was amazing. She turns her head and looks up at him. Mateo smiles gently at her as he continues to run his fingers through her hair.

"Por fin lo puedo sentir, Te conozco y te reconozco que por fin, Sé lo que es vivir, Con un suspiro en el pecho, Con cosquillas por dentro, Y por fin sé por qué estoy así," he sings to her softly, and Tori smiles at him, she didn't understood the lyrics he was singing but he sounded beautiful.

"Tú me has hecho mejor, mejor de lo que era, Y entregaría mi voz a cambio de una vida entera, Tú me has hecho entender, Que aquí nada es eterno, Pero tu piel y mi piel, Pueden detener el tiempo, oh. . ." He trails off and Tori pouts as he laughs when he stopped singing.

"No, keep singing. You sounded beautiful," She nudges him, wanting to listen to him some more.

"No, next time. We have to get ready for college and your my ride today." Mateo tells her, raising his eyebrows at her. Tori pressed her lips together and she sighs.

"Okay, but next time means later. You have to tell me what's the name of that song and who sings it." She sits up, grabbing his hand and pulling him up so they were sitting by each other.

"You don't know Spanish." Mateo says, laughing softly.

"I don't have to know Spanish to know that those lyrics were absolutely beautiful, come on. Please?" She begs him, intertwining their hands together.

"Okay." He chuckles softly and leans in, pressing a kiss to her forehead. "The singer is Pablo Albóran and the song is called Por Fin."

"Great." Tori grins. "I'm gonna have it on repeat for the rest of the week."

"Fine by me, but you wouldn't understand the lyrics." He says and gets up from the bed, Tori holds onto his hand as he turns to look down at her.

"I'll Google the lyrics then." She shrugs, looking up at him with a smile.

Mateo smiles and shakes his head. "Come on, my class starts at nine. And it's seven because I don't know when your class starts so I woke you up early." He tells her and Tori stands up from the bed.

"My class starts on eight thirty." She groans.

"Well you're lucky I'm dressed and I already showered, we can go to your place now and have breakfast or something." Mateo says and she nods.

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