5. Djinn Blade Battle

Start from the beginning

(His technique is incredible. But...)

I felt my focus honing in on several of his movements, jotting down mental notes of everything he did. A minute had gone by and I felt as if I had his movements down pat. He jutted his sword to the right, just as he'd done at least twice now. I took a step back and spun left, following the blade of his sword. I could see the panic rising in his eyes, the realization that I was recording his movements. It was too late for him to react. My blade darted towards him and I could hear him yell the name, "Amon!"

Where I expected to land a solid hit, I only felt my blade striking metal yet again. My eyes landed on the dark, enormous sword before me. Flames jutted out from the giant blade. Alibaba's hands were now dark and streaked with red, an eight-pointed star glowed from his blade.

(A metal vessel? I should have known...)

My gaze flickered over to Aladdin, who was witching intently from the back of the courtyard.

(Judar called him a magi... So this Alibaba must be his King's Candidate. This changes everything. I can't even call on my Djinn for help! What was her stupid name!?)

Frustration began eating away at my concentration when Alibaba swung his sword towards me, narrowly missing me by just a hair. I stumbled to my feet and readied my sword for another attack. Luckily enough for me, Alibaba seemed a bit sloppy with his movements now that he wielded a larger weapon. I dodged his blows with ease, diving around his sword and inching closer towards him.

"It's nice to fight a girl who isn't afraid of size," Alibaba remarked, swinging his sword at an angle as he slid backwards to put some space between us.

"As if anyone is concerned about YOUR size, Alibaba!" the Kougyoku taunted back from behind Aladdin.

At her teasing, Alibaba's defense dropped dramatically as he slumped forward, unable to hold his composure.

I took the opportunity to strike while he was distracted. I couldn't hide my victorious smirk as ran at full speed, pushing the palm of my hand into the hilt of my sword to give it more force when I attacked. Within seconds, I was past Alibaba's blade and the blade of my sword was inches away from his abdomen.

(There's no way this can miss!)

I gave my sword a final push with my palm, sending the sword right through Alibaba's stomach... Or so I'd thought. The blade had just missed by a few centimeters and struck the ground next to him. I was taken aback, not understanding how I could have missed. I stole a peek at Alibaba, whose eyes were filled with fear and astonishment. He stared at the small distance between my blade and his skin, carefully observing how I'd sliced right through the garments he was wearing.

(But how!?)

From behind me, I could hear the sound of someone's hands clapping. I peeled my eyes away from Alibaba towards the clapping noise. Judar stood not too far behind me, his expression completely amused.

"That was some show, Princess! Holding your own against another metal vessel user without even calling out your own Djinn. Impressive, to say the least," he said, slinking over to where I was.

"Alibaba!" Aladdin interrupted, also crossing the courtyard to where we were. "Are you alright?" he asked, worry clear in his voice.

Alibaba sighed and gave his friend a bright smile. "Yeah. It was pretty close though!" he exclaimed.

"Miss, I only wanted to talk to you. There's no reason to fight us," Aladdin said, now in my direction.

I glanced at him from where I stood and then down at Alibaba who was still on the ground. I gave a short bow and spoke, my voice barely above a whisper, "My apologies. I was told to be wary of others."

Aladdin only smiled and said, "That's okay! It's good advice so don't ever stop being careful."

I then pointed my gaze elsewhere, hoping to hide the blush that had spread across my face. I extended my hand towards Alibaba. "Thank you... for helping me in the market."

Alibaba stared at me for a moment before smiling and taking my hand in his. Once he was on his feet again, he spoke excitedly, "You have amazing sword skills! I haven't sparred like that in a while."

I glanced back at him, my eyes meeting his. He was beaming brightly at me and I couldn't help but smile as well. "You were also quite good," I told him.

(These two are so friendly... Why would Judar tell me that they were trouble? I mean, Alibaba is powerful but he doesn't seem like a threat.)

I tried to steal a peek at Judar but he was already gone.

(I suppose I'll just keep my guard up around them...)

Completely forgetting that Aladdin had wanted to speak with me, I noticed Kougyoku approaching as well. I still hadn't mustered up the courage to speak to anyone else in the palace so I gave Alibaba and Aladdin a quick bow and headed down the palace corridor.


Kougyoku seemed personally offended that the girl had left without another word but played it off by saying she had other matters to tend to. With a sharp scoff, she turned and headed in the opposite direction, leaving Aladdin and Alibaba to guide themselves out.

Before the two had entered the palace again, a familiar voice pulled them to a stop.

"Leaving already?" Judar asked, his voice taunting as always.

"You told us to leave though," Aladdin rebutted.

"Yeah, but now I have a favor to ask of you both," Judar said.

Aladdin and Alibaba only stared at the magi, both wondering what he could possibly want with them.

"And why do you think we'd help you?" Alibaba questioned.

Judar smirked at his words, "Well, you wanna stop Al Thamen, don't you?"

Aladdin and Alibaba both gritted their teeth, following Judar into the palace without further questioning.

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