this is different

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This is different okay it's something Important.

In the video above is so good and sad at the same time.

Be thankful that you have a life and u don't have to worry about nothing. Tell God that your happy. Not everyone has what you have. Their is people who have to worry about their lives they worry about when is their next meals.

People in this world are scared about what's going to happen to them. But their is ppl who don't care about other ppl if I like Justinbieber and Kian Lawley then let me be okay like what else do u want from me?

Do u ever think about other people than yourself? It's so crazy I mean like why do u think everything is all about looks or whatever you do? It's really isn't about that like come on can u think right now.

That's why today I made this chapter about this... Okay so yea
Thanks for reading it will be more tonight!!!

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