welcome home baby Justinlan

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Okay so we get home safe and sound. So Justin and our grandma Pattie got to hold the baby. And Justin told me that he sees me and my sister in her .

Her room was so pretty it was purple and blue with flowers on the wall with her name. We all prayed in the room telling God and our mother to bless this family and make sure everything will be okay and also keep this family together.

Okay so after we did that it was night and I wanted to stay with my sister while Alex works on job with Justin because we found out that he can make beats. So other than that Justinian starts to cry. And I went in the room with Molly and you know baby's can actually see things that older people can see. So when we picked the baby up molly said it was mom. Because she saw mom siting in the chair looking at us smiling.

So I was going to babysitting the baby because Molly was tired so when I got the baby I had to show her to my fans on my Instagram and my Snapchat. She likes to laugh it seems like.

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