here i go

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So after my mom and sister left me I haven't really been myself. I really miss my mom but I promised her that I wouldn't be a little drama queen. I told her I will make her happy. So Its really alot for me because I'm only 4 years old and for my age I should never worry about who is going to be my new mom or dad or even who would do a better job at being my sister.

So the lady who talked to my mom on the phone to have me stay here into someone adopts me has been nice to me. She told me that some lucky girl today will be taken to a new home with new mommy or daddy! I was hoping that that person would be me I really don't care if its a daddy or a mommy I just want someone to come and get me and fix my heart.

Every little girl should be loved no matter the age or color. That's what my mommy said to me. So it was time for someone to get picked to their new child! I was really nervous.

It was my turn to go and see the people who wanted to adopted today... Miss Leah said he's name is Justin bieber
I was shy to talk to him but he looked really nice and handsome.

So when I talked to him he had asked me questions

Justin POV: Hi there cutie
Ashley: hey
Justin POV: what's your favorite color
Ashely : um...I like all colors
Justin: if you had to pick which one you like
Ashley: purple
Justin: that's my favorite color
Ashely: I didn't say nothing I jut laughed
Justin: can you play a instrument?
Ashely:yea I can play the piano
Justin: really, can you play it for me

I walked over to the piano and played it still hurts
Justin: that's great how did you learn??
Ashely: mommy played the keys and I just watched her hands play the keys.

Justin starts to talk to Ms .Leah and he told me that Im his new little girl. So ms.Leah had to help me get my stuff and my stuff animal named lolly because it makes me think of my big sister.

Adopted By Justin bieberWhere stories live. Discover now