"At the beginning, I just wanted to jump from the window and run away" I will never admit that it stung hearing her say those words "But then I heard Isabelle and Gaston coming and taking their turn watching over me, outside the room's door. By the way, was it necessary to have demons guarding me?".

"I have a lot of enemies, any of them might come after you as soon as they hear me having you in my hotel room" I explained, she only nodded her head but seemed bothered by that decision.

Well, boohoo. I won't change my mind, she is MY mate and has to stay safe noo matter what. I thought decisively.

"So I decided to act nice and like nothing happened, until I got back to my motel room and called Dean. But I got bored so I began reading from your books, the ones that talk about demons: their culture, their politics, their weaknesses, their traditions, their history, their legends. Everything I could get my hands on, I read it. Suddenly I got obsessed with demons, but not like my father. I just wanted to know more" I had to smile at that. Moose would be the only one that would like to read about demons not because she wanted power or to destroy us or to become one of us, just because she was fascinated by us and wanted to get to know us better "At one moment I found a chapter that talked about demonic mates and saw the similarities on the ways you treated me. Then I knew that you considered me your mate".

"I don't just consider you my mate, you are my mate" I told her firmly, not letting room for discussion.

"That's why I stayed. Cause I knew even though you, Isabelle and Gaston were demons and just wanted me to lure Azazel to a trap, the way that you treated me... like a friend was honest" I locked gazes with me and I was able to see how decided she was "If you want me to be your mate you'll have to start wooing me soon. Why don't you begin with Lilith's and Azazel's head on a silver plate for me".

"You are manipulating me with one of the most sacred things in demonic culture, so you can get what you want and maybe not giving me what I desire" I said awe struck by what she had just offered me, before a big smile appeared on my face "Now I know that I am deeply in love with you" I told her and pounced on her to get my so waited kiss. It was short and harsh, for she bite my lip and pushed me away before slapping me on the face "That is my Moose!" I loved the way she blushed at my comment but soon turned serious, cause it was time for business "I get why you want Azazel's head, but why Lilith's too?".

"You are my mate and she is in your way, she has to be eliminated for that reason. Also, she wants my brother to go to hell so Dean would break the first seal" Samantha told me.

"You are sure that you are Lucifer's true vessel" I stated,

"There would be no other reason why that angel would have gone away and let me live after interrupting him from killing Isabelle" she explained "From what I have read from your books, angels believe that the Apocalypses must happen because God so said it. That's why killing me would have been a bad idea".

"So, what is your plan? Oh, mate of mine" I teased her.

"I know that you have been searching for the colt and that you have found it" she told me, which only made me fall in love harder. Moose was a sneaky, sly and cunning bitch... and I totally loved her for that. There was no reason for denying it any longer "Let's lure Lilith here, trap her and then I shoot her. But you, Isabelle and Gaston will help me in the shadows. No one must know that you are on my side. Your demons will do the rest, they would have witnessed what I did and might try to take me down. You will stop them from doing that and call retreat".

"Of course I will!" I growled angrily, just at the thought "Then I will kill whoever tried to hurt you. Better, I will torture them for all eternity".

She is MINE and no one touches what is MINE! I thought possessively.

"No! You won't kill for me" she ordered me but I just glared at her and make her stop talking.

"If you had read half as much as you told me, you'll know that it is something I have to do. That I want to do" I growled at her darkly.

"Ok" she concede after a while of staring at my eyes. I think that she was able to see the hater, rage, jealousy, possessiveness and darkness of hell in my eyes. And that, that was the only reason why she agreed with me "But wait until after killing Azazel and being secure in your place as King of Hell. Because those demons will start rumors about how a human was able to kill one of the strongest demons of hell. The yellow eyed demon would come to me, knowing that I am one of the creations he made. He surely will try to make me part of his team and convince me of how much Lucifer is right. I will tell him to screw himself and we will fight, I will lose but before he gets to kill me you will come and slay that bastard. Demons will witness that the human that was able to kill the first demon lost against Azazel but you won. That will put you on the good side of them when you take the throne, and if I decide to be your mate I will be respected, at least a bit, even though I am human... or half human and half demon. Whatever I am! What do you think?".

I just stared at her for a while in complete silence and then dragged her to a dark alley, pushed her against a wall, pinned her hands above her head and kissed her. She tried to struggle but with my demonic strength I was able to maintain her in place. When I felt her reciprocating the kiss I released her hands and let my hands wander on her body, until they stayed on her hips. Her hands wandered from my back, to my arms until they wrapped around my neck, with one of them playing with my hair. We made out until we had to break apart for her to breath. And what a sight she was! Her blow up in lust, ragged breathing and bruised lips, then I knew that I would never get enough of seeing her like that. That even if after all of this she still didn't want me, I will kidnap her and force her to stay by my side.

"Brilliant!" I answered her, loving how she chuckled afterwards, and dragged her into another kiss.

She was truly brilliant! I thought proudly and greedily.


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