Chapter Two- I Love You, Goodbye

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We drove away from the restaurant in the failing evening light, which was going in fast stages from mellowing yellow-red into dusky grey, filtered through the trees. The sun sets below the horizon and it is suddenly dark and the full moon has risen, sooner than I ever expected. Then again, for the nth time, I thought if Lauren was also watching the beautiful night sky from where she was at that very moment.

Gray have been trying to make me believe that he got a sense of humor. Then suddenly, under the light of the full moon, he knocks me for a loop.

He said he enjoys playing pranks, he once stole a car. I never met anybody so dull, humorless, inhibited, mindless, depressing, and boring. He pretends to be naive, innocent, almost rustic hick.

A relationship, I have decided, is not something addicting like a drug, but a journey, a circumstance, a choice. And love is a soul residing in two bodies, it is coexistence.

When I got to that part, tears sprung into my eyes that I had to look on the other way and pretend I was watching the Atlanta landscape as the street lights buzz in a very fast pace as we drove down the highway. I wonder if I could possibly have a good relationship with him when all I think about is the memories of the past where Lauren resides.

"Bye, good night Camila." Grey said as soon we reached the grand front door of my grandparents' mansion.

"Yeah." that's all I could answer. Not that I was intentionally being rude to him but I just don't have the energy to come up with a good cotton candy-covered lie, though I'm now very good at it, one thing I learned from Lauren.

I started to walk away from him and entered the house without bothering to look back and it wasn't long when I heard the starting of his car's engine.

I just wanted to nestle in my bed and cuddle with my cold pillows, I lay awake under the field of stars, the city I grew up in, seemed sad and alien.

In the early light of dawn, as the vultures flexed their wings along the rooftop, I was on the same spot, still lying awake, staring down at a photograph of Lauren and I as we smile for the camera with stars in our eyes and I thought about the memories of our tragic love story.


Everything's perfectly prepared for the wedding, the gown, the venue, the food, the groom, every single detail except the bride herself.

I asked my parents if they could switch the venue, I doesn't wanna get married to a place that reminds me of Lauren and everything we did. But the elders' minds won't change. They said it's the perfect place for my wedding and that's what I dreamed about when I was a kid, to get married in the island. They were right but not with anybody else but with the person I'm truly in love with.

We all went to the island five days before the wedding except the groom and his family.

I felt so nervous just by watching as the island getting closer especially when I took another step to the place special for Lauren and I, the feeling was so surreal and memories came rushing back.

"Hey." Dinah said as soon as we walked down the perimeter leading to the main house, my other friends stood beside me and we shared a smile.

"Are you okay?" She asked while she took my hand on hers and Mani and Ally looked at me with another sympathetic smile.

"Yeah, I guess." I simply said, trying to convice them but the conciseness of my voice let them know it was just a crooked lie, they decided not to ask any further, they know my emotions would burst out eventually and they would never like to deal with another crying Camila.

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