Chapter 4: Move Along

Start from the beginning

Drying my face off, I quickly put makeup on, returning to Dean's room when I was done. Rummaging through my bag, I pulled out my black skinny jeans and my loose purple tank-top. I slipped my clothes off and placed them gently in my bag, slipping on my jeans. Then the door swung open. I jumped, whipping around. Dean was standing there smiling like an idiot with a plate in his hand.

"Bad time," he asked laughing lightly.
"Have you ever heard of knocking," I asked rolling my eyes.

"Yes, but we don't do it very often-mostly because bursting in unexpectedly is kinda our thing," he replied smiling. I shrugged. Most hunters were like that. Hell-I was like that.

"Well next time at least announce you're coming in," I suggested. "So I have somewhat of a heads-up."
"Sure, princess," the hunter replied extending the plate. It had half of a bagel with cream cheese spread on it. I smiled, taking it gratefully, thanking him.

"Any time," he replied turning, but he paused, glancing back, his eyes roaming my body once more. "Are you sure you're feeling okay?" I gave a small nod, blushing slightly, reaching for my shirt, slipping it on. I saw disappointment flash in his eyes.

"I'll be fine," I said taking a small bite of the bagel. "Just let me brush my hair and we can go." He nodded, heading back down the hall. I grabbed my brush out of my bag, running it through my tangled, wavy hair. Although it took quite a bit of effort, I managed to brush it all out, braiding it over my shoulder afterwards.

Slipping on my combat boots and lacing them up, I grabbed my bag, slinging it over my shoulder, heading out the door, shoving what was left of my bagel in my mouth. I headed back into the main room again, throwing my paper plate away and then grabbing my leather jacket and slipping it on before heading up the stairs and outside.

The brothers were loading the Impala. Cas was sitting quietly in the front seat, staring off into space, seemingly lost in thought. Sam looked up as I approached, annoyance flashing in his eyes.

"You sure you're alright," he asked shutting the trunk. I nodded.

"Stop babying me. I'm fine," I sighed, walking over to my Camaro, placing my bag in the trunk and closing it before opening the driver's side door and climbing in. To my surprise, the younger brother came walking over, motioning towards the passenger side door. I nodded, starting the car as he climbed in.

"Do you mind," he asked quietly. I shook my head.

"Not at all." A small sigh of relief seemed to pass his lips. I glanced at him, but he avoided my gaze.

A little while later we were flying down the empty Kansas highways, my window open. It was quiet, so I turned on the radio. 3 AM by Matchbox Twenty was on. I saw Sam mouthing the words and I smiled.

"I didn't expect someone like you would know this song," I said turning it up a little. He smiled.

"Well, when Dean's your brother you know a mix of rock songs. And it's catchy," he replied. I nodded.

"You're brother has a fantastic taste in music," I laughed. The younger hunter rolled his eyes, singing along quietly with me. Turning my attention again to the road ahead, I caught Dean's eye in the rear view mirror of the Impala. He smiled, winking at me. I rolled my eyes in return, but a small smile graced my lips.

"What were you guys singing along to yesterday morning," Sam asked once the song was over. I giggled.

"Shook Me All Night Long by ACDC."

"Of all the songs," Sam laughed quietly.

"Could've been worse," I replied, but stopped. "Okay, maybe not, but hey, it's a good song." The younger brother nodded in agreement. Silence settled between us again.

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