Episode VIII

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A warm greeting to my fellow wattpaders!
Sorry for the late update. No more wimpy excuses, I just want to apologize to you all.

Thank you for all of your lovely comments and votes on this story. I shall send my deepest gratitude to you. Oh! And a virtual cookie as well. As an additional reward, I made this chapter extra long. Please continue your support and love for this book. Vote and comment!

So without further ado.


Blood is an important liquid to human beings; without it, the human body would not function as it should, and eventually, it will stop working altogether. It is one of the necessary ingredients that keeps a human breathing. 

If in case, you were to stop the production of blood, for example; taking the heart out of the body, the victim will die due to the lack of oxygen that the blood carry. But, that would be a fast, and untimely death. Therefore, it is much more beautiful and correct if you would hang the victim upside-down and then slit a bit of the throat thus, making the human's blood drip down, slowly, losing a milliliter each passing second. Slowly, making them realize the horror of death is inching closer and closer.

The boy stared coldly at the begging mess of what was once called 'Tonpa,' "It's your fault for being a waste of my time," The boy said, in an aloof manner, to the hanging body of the rookie crusher. His feet both tied by a piece of sturdy rope, which was stolen from the boat as courtesy of the boy, and is being under the mercy of gravity.

"If you weren't so stupid and incredibly irritating, I would have given you a less painful death." Tonpa was feeling an immense headache due to the rush of blood to his head. He was feeling numb all over; he couldn't even think straight. All he could manage to do was to instinctively beg for his live.

"Sorry fatty," He muttered as he raised his left foot up and kicked Tonpa's upside-down face. Followed by a kick, and another kick and another kick. Apparently, he wasn't so sorry, at all. For only when he felt his bloodlust end, did he stop torturing the poor applicant.

"Tsk, I should've just killed #99." He gripped his knuckles until they were sheet white. It was a mistake to have done that. He shouldn't have spared a life, and due to that, his bloodlust just increased in the long term. Thankfully, it calmed down, for now.

A feint, disapproving click of the tongue was instantly picked up by the boy's sharp ears, "You didn't have to kick him," It was a tone of mock scolding. The boy recognized that voice anywhere. It's from the clown he resented. Pure annoyance was what he always carried around him; he should've just been born both mute and blind.

The boy did not turn around, or even bother to acknowledge his useless presence. Which was quite ironic because his next speech is the opposite of his action: "Oh look, it's the fucking clown." He continued, "Why can't I? Do you actually care for a pathetic thing as this?" The boy asked incredulously.

Hisoka gave another one of his amused smiles, "Of course not~" He said without any hesitation. The clown placed his hands on his painted face, trying to keep his smile from expanding even more. Weirdly, he started to smile more and more often when he was around the boy.

"I was merely caring for your poor outfit that would stink later on~" He said with a giggle.

The boy rolled his eye, "How thoughtful." He commented blandly with no interest whatsoever. A pause suddenly, a dreadful silence was blanketed upon the two powerful competitors.

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