Chapter 8- Beer Bottles

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Chapter 8- Beer Bottles

[Levi's P.O.V.]
I opened my boss Erwin's office door and collapsed into the small chair adjacent to his desk he was sitting at.
His office was very clean and organized, thanks to my help with organization. The dim gray walls and dark cedar floors complemented the large wooden desk in the center. A huge floor to ceiling wall was directly behind him, small rays of sunlight peaking through the dark, blackening sky and flooding the office with light.
The office wasn't necessarily comforting and it was kinda dark and dim, despite the sunlight.
"What did you want?" I asked, my tone sharper than I intended, or maybe I did intend it. I took my head away from the clouds outside to make eye contact. I had barely slept and I was exhausted, I simply didn't want to deal with any of Erwin's shit today.
Tapping the ends of some paper on his desk, he folded his hand under his wide chin.
"So I've got some job offers in some new magazines," Erwin pulled out a few documents and magazines from his desk and handed them off to me.
I scanned them over and noticed these magazines were not the same type that I've normally modeled in. These were a bit more provocative than what I was use to, and by a bit, I mean they were basically naked.
"Erwin," I looked him hard in the eye, "this isn't what I do. I don't model like this."
Erwin looked up at me, matching my eyes, "Levi, you are getting more and more well known so this isn't something you can keep turning down. You have to swallow some pride and do this kind of job. You can do that and get to be a big model in more than just magazines. You could be on TV and billboards. Do you get why this is something you have to do?"
I shook my head, "how is posing in the nude for a male underwear company going to make me 'well known' exactly?"
Erwin stood up and pulled out some more magazines from the filing cabinets in the corners.
"Look at this," he sat back down and opened up the small booklets to pages of nearly nude modeling with lewd poses and provocative scenarios, "these men have all made it big! Rich, famous people who have gained more money at age 25 than people my age!" Erwin was angry, it was evident in his eyes but his face was flat and solid.
I sighed. Would I really give up my image like that? Could I even handle the guilt and pressure of doing something like this?
I rubbed my temples in discomfort.
Every ounce of me was screaming, No, no, no!!! But for some dumb ass reason, I accepted.
I discussed the terms and conditions with Erwin and booked me a few photo shoots throughout the week. I had to sign some things but that was about it.
I took the paper work and shoved it into my leather bag. I would probably need a new one soon. It was old and I've had it for years and it didn't match the sharp, clean suit I wore that Erwin got me.
Pulling out my phone, I dialed my friend Hanji's number.
"Hello~?" Hanji's voice nearly shouted into the phone speaker, startlingly me.
"Christ Hanji, learn not to scream," I growled, still a bit shocked.
I stepped out of the tall glass sky building onto the sidewalk outside and glanced around me. It was about 5 o'clock and there were several people on the street, rushing around and hailing cabs. The hustle around me sparked a type of energy inside me that I wanted to use but knew I wouldn't.
"Anyway, wanna go get a drink or something?" I asked, leaning against the building and crossing my arms.
Hanji has always been a good friend of mine. While I did grow up with Farlan and Isabel and they are the closest ones to me, Hanji is someone I feel like I can talk to about anything. Her mind goes a mile a minute anyway, so she doesn't really remember anything we talk about, small chance of rumors.
I remember once when Hanji and I were still merely acquaintances we had went out drinking and she had gotten so drunk she forgot about the entire day at work. She blamed me for causing one of her test subjects to keel over because she injected double the doses into one of them. She was crying over the phone, screaming at me. Let's just say it was really concerning for me to listen to her crying over a dead mouse.
There was a moment of silence on the opposite end of the line.
"Levi, you okay? You don't ever want to go out and do anything with me or anyone really." There was sarcasm in her ton.
I rolled my eyes, "yes or no shitty glasses?"
I heard her laugh on the other end, "yeah yeah, give me a few minutes, I'll meet you at your agency in about 10. I'm not far, traffic just sucks. I'll see 'ya soon!" With that, she clicked the call off, leaving me to wait alone under the small roof shelter while a light rain began to drizzle.
The people along the sidewalk began to scurry like rats to avoid the rain. Books and suit cases covering their hair and faces.
I leaned my head back and shut my eyes while the sound of rain, shoes, and angry cursing rang in my ears.

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