
"That was a great movie!" I giggled still remembering a certain part where one of the characters accidentally ended up dressing as a pope. Ethan looked at me and gave a small laugh, popping a piece of Dorito in his mouth. It was only then I realized how good looking he was. He ran his hand through his hair giving it a messy look and I bit my lip to resist the urge to run my hand through his hair.

What the heck?! I mentally slapped myself for even thinking about him like that when he was younger than me. As if on cue, we heard footsteps upstairs. Since I wasn't used to having many people live in the same house, my mind immediately started racing and numerous possibilities popped into my head. What if somebody just broke in? What if they-

My crazy thoughts were immediately put to rest as someone entered the room and I let out a whisper-scream. I closed my eyes and tried to make myself small, cuddling into the seat. Suddenly, I heard a burst of laughter and I opened one of my eyes. Immediately I felt embarrassed as I realized it was just Adam. I looked over at Ethan who was laughing along with Adam and I wanted nothing more than to be swallowed whole by the ground. I quickly sat up straighter and looked anywhere but at the two.

"Dude, that was just hilarious! I mean really, I've scared a lot of people but no one has ever reacted like that, especially when it wasn't even my intention to scare!" Adam managed in between laughs.

"Shush, I was just a little surprised." I said lamely but that just caused them to laugh even harder.

"A little surprised huh? Oh and did you really think that anyone would have heard your whisper-scream if you were in danger? I've never in my life heard anyone whisper-scream. Damn, I didn't even know it was possible." Adam replied with an amused look but it sounded like he was talking to himself trying to decide if he had really heard the whisper-scream.

I narrowed my eyes at him and looked away. Why did I react that way? I mean I was never such a jumpy person but for some reason, I had gone all out crazy. Shaking my head I just sighed as Ethan and Adam finally stopped laughing.

"Now, everyone can get scared once in a while, and anyway weren't you out with the guys?" Ethan asked.

With a shrug, Adam responded "Eh, I wasn't having much fun so I came back."

"Oh okay, well let's go upstairs then. We're already done with the movie after all."

Nodding, the three of us went back upstairs. I took a seat in the couch and inhaled the scent of Adam as he sat next to me. Meanwhile, Ethan went upstairs to get something.

"You know, Ethan's birthday is just around the corner." Adam said. Surprised, I looked at him.

"Really? When is it?" I asked. Adam smiled coyly and winked. "What do I get in return if I tell you?"

"Um why do you need anything to tell me when Ethan's birthday is?" I narrowed my eyes at him and shifted in my seat but this only made him come closer. At this close proximity, I could easily see his twinkling grey eyes and my eyes widened when he moved his hand and let it rest on my arm. I really didn't know what to do as I watched his smirk grow wider at my panic.

"You know, you're pretty cute. Relax. I was just messing with you. Ethan's birthday is next week, Friday." He shifted back and smirked again once he was a safe distance away from me in the couch.

"Oh, um okay." Right then, the awkward silence was cut by the sound of my phone ringing and with a smile on my face I answered while Adam just looked bored.

"Hello?" I said.

"Meeegggiiieeee, get your ass on Skype right now!" Eric whined. I told Adam I'd be back in a bit and laughing, I made my way upstairs and flipped open my laptop. In a matter of seconds, I was online on Skype and got a call from Eric. After pressing "Answer" I saw Eric's smiling face but instantly, it turned into a frown.

"Turn on your video Megan!" he said while I just laughed.

"Not in a million years."

"Come on Meggie, Please!" he made puppy eyes and I turned it on. "Now that's what I'm talking about."

"Shut up Eric, what's going on there?" I rolled my eyes at him while going through my emails. Instantly, I caught sight of an email that I wasn't expecting to be there. Shrugging, I just brought my attention back to Eric who was talking about school and everything else that had been happening.

"So how is everyone there? Is there anyone around your age? Are they nice?" he suddenly asked me.

"Whoa, you ask too many questions mister! Everyone is nice here. And Robert has 6 kids, out of which 4 are boys and 2 are girls. April is 15 and soon Ethan will be 15 too. I don't think April likes me but everyone else is really sweet Eric."

"4 guys? Whoa, take care of yourself okay? And why would you think April doesn't like you?"

"Well except for a small observation that she has been glaring at me like she wants to burn a hole through my forehead, I really have no clue." I joked.

"Well, give it time. It'll be better probably. Anyway, Lisa really misses you. And so do the others, they really wanted to talk to you. You should come on Skype more babe." He said with a sly smile.

"Alright my baby butterfly, I will. Tell Lisa and the others that I miss them a lot and that it would be great if I could talk to them on Skype." I smirked when he heard me call him "Baby Butterfly"

"I need to go now Eric, I think someone is downstairs. I'll talk to you soon okay?"

"Okay, stay sexy my dear hotness." he winked while I rolled my eyes and pressed End Call.

I looked out to see that it was a beautiful sunny day and the beach looked great from my room. I hadn't gone out yet and since the weather seemed great, I decided to head to the beach. Skimming through my closet, I found a cute bandeau top and shorts to go with it along with a see through cover up. I threw them on my bed and since everyone seemed to be downstairs, I quickly pulled the tank top I was wearing over my head and took off my shorts. Just as I was about to grab my clothes, I heard a soft knock on my door and then a click. Frozen in my spot with only my zebra print inner wear on, I turned to see a pair of blue eyes gaping at me. Both of us were shocked and our eyes were locked as we stood with horrified expressions on our faces. It was as though we didn't know what to do. After what seemed like hours, though I'm sure it was just 2 seconds, I heard a small scream escape my lips and I scrambled around to get a hold of my towel. As for him, he just turned around saying sorry and quickly closed my door.

I quickly changed and sat on my bed putting on some sunblock. I felt extremely embarrassed at what had just happened. How could it have been that he had decided to walk in at exactly that very moment?



Hey guys! I know i know >< sorry for not updating at the promised time! I have had so many things come up and on top of that, I hurt my fingers so it was difficult to type. But here you have it! Chapter 7 :D I hope you guys liked it :D Questions:

:O Who do you guys think walked in on Megan?

Ethan is turning 15 eh? *wiggles eyebrows* do you see that leading anywhere? ;)

Muahaha I have a plan >:) Oh and im checking who will notice the slight detail [important thing] ive mentioned in a certain part of the chapter but failed to elaborate :p GOODLUCK cuz the person to pick on it will get a dedication for chapter 8! <3

Okay, how about 14 votes for this chapter? :3 PLEASE PLEASE PRETTY PLEASE!

Vote, Comment, Follow :3

Ethan and Megan pic to the right.

Im sure that I'll enter TBAFY for the Watty Awards 2013 as u all may have already noticed. So I REALLY REALLY REAAALLLYYY need your support! <3

Thanks for helping me reach 1,045 reads, 104 votes and 136 comments!

If i get 14 votes, next chapter comes out by Wednesay (PROMISE!)



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