Chapter 6

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I couldn't think properly. Even after learning all I could about Robert's family, I was still scared about having to live with 4 boys. Though I had male cousins and best friends, living with 4 boys was a completely different story. Sighing, I tried to remember everything I had found out about the family members. So far I knew that:

Sandra McLaren was Robert's late wife who passed away in a car accident 2 years ago.

Bryce Connor McLaren is 5. He likes candies and is in kindergarten. He loves making new friends and cars.

Stella McLaren is 7. She likes school and Barbie's, she is in 1st grade.

Ethan Michael McLaren is 14. He is a very caring person and is very protective over his siblings. He likes to skateboard and run. He is in the 10th grade.

April Rosalie McLaren is 15. She is in the 10th grade. Her mum had passed away when she was little and her dad passed away in the same car accident in which Sandra lost her life, and Robert adopted her. She was a fun loving person but could be very mean to people she didn't like. She likes going to parties and is mostly always using her phone.

Zachary Evan McLaren is 16. He is currently in 12th grade. He loves working out and sports. He likes to try out new stuff and is very determined to keep a well maintained body. He is very smart also.

Adam Gabriel McLaren is 19. He is a sophomore at Columbia University. A very smart student yet he manages his time to fit in every single thing. He is very protective over his loved ones.

"Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen! We will soon begin our descent towards Miami International Airport. According to requirements, we would like to request you to turn off all electronic devices like mobiles and cameras, stow the tray table and keep your seats in upright position. Also please keep all your hand luggage in the overhead bins or under the seat in front of you. We hope you all had a good flight. Thank you for choosing to fly with us and we hope you enjoy your stay in Miami."  The flight attendant announced. I quickly did all she had asked us to do and closed my eyes taking deep breaths. I could hear Robert moving around in his seat and the more we descended towards Miami, the more nervous I started to feel. I looked out to the sea and wondered how everything would be. Sarah was miles away from me and we were both alone, without each other's support. It was going to be a fresh new start for me. I just smiled to myself and took a deep breath as I felt the plane come into contact with the runway.


After landing, a man came to meet with us and took us past the check in points in a matter of seconds while others waited for their turns. Once we got our luggage, mostly mine, we got into the Mercedes that was waiting outside and quickly made our way home. I looked out the window and smiled, I loved the weather here. It was warm and sunny and the sea looked beautiful. After a few minutes, we came to a huge gate which opened automatically to reveal a long driveway. At the end of the driveway was a beautiful white mansion. 

"Welcome home Megan." Robert smiled at me. I smiled back and instantly I felt my smile vanish as I felt the panic rise in me. What if the kids didn't like me? This was going to be really difficult. 

As if reading my mind, Robert patted my shoulder and said "Don't worry Megan, I'm sure my kids will like you." I tried to smile back but it probably came out as a weak twitch of my lips. As the car stopped in front of the main door, I could see 6 kids who looked like they just stepped out of some photo shoot line up and smile. Robert got out of the car and hugged each of them before turning around and smiling at me and nodding. I slowly got out of the car and made my way towards them, giving them a confident and friendly smile. "Hi, I'm Megan Blake and I'm 16. It's nice to meet you all." I said. 

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