Dean, meanwhile, had been watching the exchange silently, but not gave the siblings a weird look. "But your mom is so sweet."

Anna snorted, taking her hand back. "Yeah, well, let me just tell you, when she gets going, she..." Anna trailed off, because the very person she was talking about had walked into the restaurant, wearing a beautiful blue dress the color of the Cas's eyes, her husband at her side in a suit.

And she, to say the least, looked pissed.


Dinner officially started with a clipped "Hello Anna" from Cas's mother and no mention of the fact that Cas and Dean were sitting across from her. There was an awkward silence as they each ordered their food. Mr. Milton looked more nervous than angry, his eyes darting from Cas to Dean quickly, in contrast to his wife, who glared at her menu, pointedly not looking at the soulmates.

"Enjoy your food," the waitress politely said as she set down Cas's food in front of him, him being the last one to get served. No one ate, and a heavy silence enveloped them, extremely uncomfortable and thick.

"Thanks, you too," Cas stammered out, then turned red when he realized what he had just said. His heart was pounding a million beats per second and he couldn't remember a time when he was so terrified of his parents.

What if they hate him?

What if they hate us?

Cas's parent's approval was extremely important to him, and he didn't know what he was going to do if they didn't. He felt Dean slip his hand into his, intertwining their fingers together under the table so no one could see, and he relaxed a little. Whatever happened, he still had Dean.

That is, if the other shoe didn't drop, just like his parents thought.

But it wouldn't, right? Dean was here with him now, Dean wasn't going to leave him, and he sure as hell wasn't going to leave Dean.

Right. Feeling a bit stronger, he took a sip of his water, holding the glass with his other hand so he didn't have to stop holding Dean's hand, when he saw his mother looking up at him for the first time that whole evening, with a hard face.

Cas set his glass down, looking back at his mom and cracking a shaky smile. She didn't smile back.

God, this was all so uncomfortable.

Anna was the first to break the silence. "So." She started, unsure about what to say. Everyone turned to look at her. "Weed." She nodded.

Cas gave her a look, and she shrugged. He felt Dean shift uncomfortably next to him, and he felt like shit. This was a place completely out of Dean's comfort zone. Ties and restaurants with soft music and fancy food that was hard to pronounce.

Dean apparently took Anna's attempt as a cue to start talking. "Okay, listen. I get it, you're pissed." Cas's parents looked up at him, and his mom...well...if looks could kill. "I'm pissed at myself too. And Cas is pissed at himself. And we're both still a little pissed at each other, although we've gotten over most of it, and this whole thing is one big mess. I get it. But just..." He turned to Cas, taking his other hand and looking into his eyes sincerely, "I love Cas. And all these things that happened, they sucked. Yeah. They sucked ass." Mrs. Milton's eyebrows jumped up at Dean cursing so blatantly, Anna both fought back a smile and Mr. Milton didn't show any reaction to the word. Cas felt lightheaded, and he couldn't quite believe it. This was Dean. Dean. Dean was saying this to him, in front of his entire family. "But," he paused, licking his lips and looking for the right words to say, and when he looked up, his face was glowing with so much sincerity and hope and love that, for Cas it said it all.

"But what, Dean?" Mrs. Milton asked, and Cas was surprised to hear less bitterness in his mother's voice than he had expected. She was less bitter than...tired.

"But they won't happen again." Cas wanted to kiss him so bad, right then and there, but Dean turned his head to look at his parents, eyebrows knit, "And I get you. I do. Cas got raped and he turned to weed and I left him and we still haven't found his rapist, and you're worried about him but then he goes and moves out. And then I march back in here and..." Dean sighed, looking back at Cas. "I hate what happened too. And I know that Cas, and I, we had a rulebook, before we met each other, but that's not...when I'm with him that's all gone, now. I don't know what's going to happen in the future and if it there's going to be another shoe that's going to drop, but just know that....that...that I love Cas with all my heart and I want to be with him the rest of my life."

All of Cas's self control vanished and he kissed Dean hard, cupping his face. Dean reciprocated quickly, and when the kiss was over, Dean looked at him, like he was the most precious thing in the world. Cas felt like a million shooting stars all at once, and not even Anna groaning dramatically and stage whispering "Ew!" fiercely could dim them. Cas knew that, whatever happened, him and Dean, they would still work. They would still be together. That would never go away.

Dean let go of him to turn and raise his eyebrows at his parents. "So, whataya say?"

Mr. Milton was full on grinning, and Mrs. Milton had a completely blank face on, so Cas had no idea what the hell she was thinking or feeling .

"And I know that you're mad at Cas," Dean continued, speaking directly to Cas's mom now, "but it's mostly me, I know. Tonight was more about me proving myself to you. Your opinion means a lot to us, Mrs. Milton," he told her, his voice turning softer, and Cas felt a surge of pride swell through him. This was his boyfriend, his soulmate. Dean was his. "Cas even made me dress up and everything," he gestured to himself. "I hope that whatever I said convinced you, even though I know I'm not very good at monologues and all that."

Cas's mom stayed silent, her face completely blank, and Cas felt his heart sink.

She was still pissed. She didn't approve.

"Come on, mom." Anna pleaded, "Come on. Don't be mad. Please, just...The only time I've ever seen someone look at someone else like Dean looks at Cassie is when dad looks at you. Eric doesn't even look at me like that, yet."

That did it. Cas's mom broke down, her face crumbling and tears free flowingly down her face like condensation. Cas's heart skipped a beat, because the worst thing in the world was seeing your mom cry and he wasn't really ready for this.

"My boy," she whispered through her tears, and Cas was about to start tearing up too as he watched his dad comfort her. People were starting to look at them, but Cas didn't care at all for that matter. She sniffed, biting her lip and Dean nudged him, mouthing at him to go hug her, and he stood up, making his way towards her and wondering when Dean got better at this whole emotional thing than him.

Cas wrapped his arms around her weeping mother, and she held onto him tightly and buried her face into his shoulder. He felt his dad hug the both of them, and Anna got up and decided to complete the whole Milton family hugging thing going on. Dean awkwardly sat there, watching them, and giving equally awkward smiles to the people staring, which was basically everyone in the restaurant. Cas was kind of surprised they hadn't gotten kicked out yet, since this restaurant was mainly attended by fancy posh white rich people, didn't they have some kind of rule against this? One of their many rules of etiquette or something?

Mrs. Milton lifted her head and kissed his hair, stroking it softly when she got sight of Dean and gestured for him to join them. Cas watched, his head squished against Anna's stomach in an awkward position, as Dean shook his head, nervous, but his mom just held out her hand and said, "Come on, Dean. You're one of us."

Dean joined them in their huge group hug reluctantly, squeezing his way next to his soulmate, and Cas kissed him softly through his tears.

They stayed like that, every single one of them crying silently and sniffling before the manager had to come and threaten to kick them out unless they started acting like normal people.

Tick Tock (Destiel Soulmate AU)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя