"Come on, Aurora." Brett whispered to me grabbing my hand, he pulled me outside since almost no one was there. "Are you okay?" He asked calmly, "How can I be okay Brett?!" I snapped, I grew wide eyed hearing how rude I was to him, he didn't do anything except help me. "I'm sorry." I said shamefully. "It's okay." He answered lovingly. He watched me knowingly, an obvious give away for me getting ready to lose it is pacing back and forth which I was doing. "Why don't I just take you home?" He offered grabbing my shoulders to keep me from pacing.

"You'd do that for me?" I asked looking up at him, "Of course." He smiled leaning down to kiss me. "Stay here I'm going to tell Scott." He told me, I nodded sitting on the bench. Just a couple of minutes later he came back, "Come on, cutie." He said. I smiled, following along to his car, I zoned out most of the way home. "Are you awake?" He asked me laughing softly, he was standing in front of the car door on my side, "Yeah." I said my voice hoarse. "Did you sleep at all last night?" He asked me as I unlocked the front door. "No." I replied trudging into the house and shutting the door. I squealed feeling him grab me, "What are you doing?" I asked as he carried me bridal style, "I didn't feel like waiting for ten minutes just to get upstairs, you're about to pass out you're so tired." He answered looking at me, he was right, I am falling asleep just as he talks.

I heard him laugh as my eyes closed, truthfully as he carried me up to my room I thought about how amazing the past month or so has been being with him, he's the best thing that's ever happened to me. He set me down on my bed and laid next to me, "My Prince Charming." I laughed laying my head on his chest. "Sleep." He ordered rubbing my back. "You're the best." I told him leaning up and kissing his cheek. "Thank you." He smiled, I laughed softly as I started falling asleep again. I debated in my head for a while about saying it, "I love you." I mumbled knowing this could very well change our relationship forever.

I closed my eyes and waited to see if he was going to say something, I sat up and looked away, I felt him move next to me, "I love you too." He answered kissing me. I let out a breath of relief and kissed him back. I smiled at him blushing after he pulled away. He smiled at me in return. "Can we sleep now?" He asked laughing, "Yes." I laughed laying down again. I laid there smiling for a while after Brett fell asleep, I sighed after messing around on my phone for a while I wasn't going to be able to sleep now. Slowly I got out of Brett's grasp and went downstairs, I made lunch realizing what time it was and how hungry I am.

"Brett!" I shouted, I smirked hearing him rushing downstairs right after, "What!?" He asked looking me over, "Lunch is ready." I said simply sitting down with my sandwich. He glared at me as he grabbed his food, "You're mean." He said sitting down, "But thank you for the food." He sad giving me a wet kiss on the cheek, "Ew!" I whined wiping my cheek with my shirt sleeve. He smirked, "Payback, you're lucky I like you to much to do something worse." He answered and started eating. I groaned setting my plate down when there was a knock on the door, "Coming!" I shouted, I smiled opening the door and seeing our neighbor, Mrs. Wilson. "Hi, Mrs. Wilson." I said politely, "Hi, dear, I was wondering if you could watch Amy for a few hours, that is if your not sick?" She asked referring to me being home.

"No I'm not sick, but of course I'll watch her, she's such a sweetheart." I said and smiled at the baby in her arms. "Oh, thank you so much, I'll pay you." She offered as she handed me Amy and her baby bag. "No, no, it's fine, is it okay that my boyfriend is here?" I asked before she left, "Of course, not a problem, now I should be back by five and you have my contact information, bye." She said in a hurry, "Bye." I replied and shut the door, I smiled at Amy as she messed with pieces of my hair that have fallen out of my ponytail. "Brett, we have a guest!" I said walking back into the living room, "What?" He asked looking up, "Oh." He said laughing a little. "What's her name?" He asked standing up. "Amy." I answered setting her bag down, "Well, hello Amy." He said and went to throw away his paper plate.

I sat down and placed Amy next to me propped up on a pillow, I always do this when I watch her, she's old enough to hold her head up so she's fine like this. I pulled a teething ring out of her bag and held it to her mouth well I ate, eventually she took it so I moved my hand away and finished eating, "You're so good at this." Brett said in shock as he watched me with her. "I've been baby sitting since I was fourteen." I answered. He nodded understandingly, "Can you make sure she doesn't roll off the couch, I have to use the bathroom." I told him as I stood up and left.

I heard her start crying as I was walking back, automatically thinking the worst I ran out there to see Brett holding her and trying to get her to stop, I sighed of relief and looked at him a small smile tugging at my lips, "Whatcha doing?" I asked standing there, "I don't know she started crying and she wouldn't stop." He said blushing of embarrassment. I mentally awed at him and went over to them, "Did you want me to take her?" I asked teasingly, he held her out to me, "Come on, do your thing little miss baby sitter." He said sitting down and watching me, I rolled my eyes bending over and grabbing her teething ring and going to rinse it off, I came back and stood right in front of him and gave it to her and she stopped crying.

"Magic!" I said sarcastically and sitting down. "Oh shush." He said covering my mouth with his hand, I looked at him questionably, I licked his hand and he pulled it away, "Gross." He said, I shook my head at him. "But you love me." I sang. "Yep." He answered, "Are we just going to sit here and stare at a baby all day?" He asked. I laughed, "Put some movies on." I answered. "But I don't want to get up." He whined laying his head on my lap. I smiled at him as he closed his eyes, I ran my fingers through his hair. He hummed in appreciation, "I could stay like this all day." He mumbled turning his head to look at me, "Me too." I whispered.

"Let me get up for a minute." I said, he sat up so I could get up, I went and placed Amy down in the chair and surrounded her with pillows so she couldn't roll off. I came back and laid down and made Brett lay down on top of me, his head landed right under my chin. I sighed happily, "Aren't you supposed to be the one on being held like this?" He asked sighing into my neck, "Doesn't matter, this is nice." I said quietly, once again running my fingers through his hair. I felt him smile on my skin before he placed a couple of kisses on the base of my neck. I smiled starting to fall asleep. "Can you make sure she stays there?" I asked him tiredly, he nodded, "Go to sleep, I'll watch her." He said sitting up so I'll sleep, "Thanks." I said curling into myself.

I felt him kiss my forehead before I fell asleep.

*time skip*

I sat up and looked around not seeing either of them, "Brett." I called out standing up, I heard someone by the front door, I smiled seeing Brett talking to Mrs. Wilson, "Hi, Mrs. Wilson." I smiled, "Hello, Aurora. I hope your nap was nice." She said laughing slightly, "It was." I said a small blush forming on my cheeks, "Well, here you go." She said handing me the money, "No, it's fine." I said politely, "I insist." She said placing it in my hand, "Thank you." I answered, she smiled, "I'll see you later." She said and walked back over to her house. "Is it five o'clock already?" I asked rubbing the sleep out of my eyes. "No, she came early. It's only three." He answered, smiling down at me.

I nodded, "Scott will be home soon." I sighed, "He's going to make me want to talk to Liam." I groaned, "Don't worry about that right now." He said trying to get my mind off it, "I'll try." I replied sitting down, "Try harder." He said sitting next to me, he smiled leaning forward and kissed me. It wasn't rough or heated, it was soft and loving. I returned the gesture kissing him back, gently he grabbed my waist pulling me closer without breaking the kiss. I pulled away leaning my forehead against his, I took a couple of breaths, "Wow." I smiled. He returned the smile and kissed me exactly the same, and before I knew it I was sitting on his lap kissing him.

"Aurora." I heard someone say, I immediately pulled away and got off his lap, I blushed seeing Scott and Stiles there. "Hi." I said sitting next to Brett. "Um Liam's here, are you going to talk to him?" Scott asked glancing at Brett, "Fine." I said getting up. I rolled my eyes seeing Stiles scowl at Brett.

"Liam." I said seeing him standing on the front porch. "I'm sorry! I didn't know what I was doing! I didn't even know I was doing it!" He pleaded immediately, I stood there for a minute, I sighed. "Okay." I muttered under my breath, he looked at me, "Okay?" He asked, I nodded and hugged him quickly, "I'm sorry, if Scott forgives you I can forgive you." I answered and stepped back. He smiled, "Thank you." He sighed, "It's okay." I replied.

A/N: What do you guys think? Comment some suggestions and your opinions!

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