Crazy Kids and Common Rooms

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Wowza a chapter.

Zach Attack pOzv

Needless to say, the Gryfindor common room was crazy. They had more desserts here than anything, and honestly, most people ate more than they should.

Nearly everyone was crazy. A few people crashed, and me? Well I'm currently fighting my way up the girls stair case to ride the slide. It wasn't going really well.

"LEO, GIVE ME MY WAND BACK! THIS IS NOT A JOKING MANNER!" Annabeth yelled at Leo. He laughed maniacally.

"HEH HEH BUT I NEED IT TO DO THE THING!" He tells her. She huffs annoyed.

"Leo, you do not need so many wands to make a bridge model." He jumps excitedly.



"QUEEN TO C8!" Ron yells.

"Error 404: move invalid." An electronic voice comes from the board.

"WHADDYA MEAN INVALID. ITS COMPLETE- oh it's not. qUEEN TI C7!" He yelled. This time it moved. Harry moves his pawn to C7 and takes him out.


"IF YOU WANNA START A FIGHT, BETTER THROW THE FIRST PUNCH. MAKE IT A GOOD ONE! AND IF YA, WANNA MAKE IT THROUGH THE NIGHT! BETTER SAY MY NAME LIKE, THE GOOD, THE BAD, AND THE DIRTY!" Some kid was running around the common room, belting songs I didn't know. He had a pair of underwear on his head, and look only slightly psychotic.

"IS THAT A MUGGLE SONG?!" Some kid yells. The kid belting nods his head eagerly.

And lastly.

"I. Hate. Everyone." A grumpy Nico sat in the corner, watching all the sugar filled kids.

And then, here I am, almost up the stairs.

"IM GONNA MAKE IT!" I yell. I catch some people's attention.

"Zach, get down, you'll get hurt." Hermione points out. She, Annabeth, Nico, and some of the older kids aren't really sugar high-ed right now.


Almost.... There!

I am centimeters away, when my foot slipped. Centimeters.

"NOOOOOOOOO!" I slipped all the way back down to the common room on my stomach.

"AW MAN YOU WERE SO CLOSE!" I look over to Leo, who's proudly standing wit a giant bridge made of wands. My hand flies to my back pocket.

"WHEN DID YOU TAKE MY WAND?! I WAS ON THE SLIDE!" He gives me the Cheshire Cat grin.

"A magician never reveals his secrets!" Suddenly, underwear kid sneezes.

Right on the bridge.

And it crashes to the ground. I sort through all the miscellaneous wands, finally finding mine. Leo is wailing at his loss, and kids who just now realize there wands are missing quickly come up to collect them.

"EVERYONE CALM DOWN!" McGonnagle yells. (I'm pretty sure I change the spelling of that every time lmao)

Everyone stops what they're doing immediately and look at the lady. I sit on the floor cuz I'm to lazy to stand.

"If you don't calm, down in five minutes, then I'm going to have to take five points." Everyone looks kinda unworried. I mean, five points? We can get more by correctly answering a question.

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⏰ Last updated: May 03, 2016 ⏰

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