"Hello!" She had been so friendly, so welcoming. "You must be Tristan?" She opened the door wide enough for me to enter. "Please come in!" She stepped aside. There were cookies set on the table. It almost seemed like she was expecting me. "How rude of me, I'm Tiffany! I'm Embry's mother." She offered me her hand to shake which I did. "Embry come down here!" She called to her son who must've been up in his room. I bit my lip. I was so nervous. "He's been downright upset with whatever happened between you two." She frowned. Then her face lit up again. "He'd be so happy to see you! He's missed you, you know–"

"Moooom!" Embry had groaned at the realization he was being outright exposed by his mother. I blushed deeply when I realized he had been shirtless. I turned my head from his attractive and chiseled torso. I heard a 'fwap' which sounded like an article of clothing being thrown at him. "What do you want?" The tone had been so rude and unwelcoming. Tiffany scolded her son. I turned around and explained that I needed him for a quick errand to run. I didn't want to drive all the way to Seattle by myself, and I wanted him there the moment I broke it off with Stephan. That was the plan. Embry reluctantly agreed. If it wasn't for his mom giving him the second degree, I didn't think he would cave in to my request. I thanked her and was almost out the door before she shoved a container of cookies at my hand. The first ten minutes had been painfully awkward. It wasn't until I had gotten onto the highway did he open up his mouth again. "Well? What am I doing?"

"I kidnapped you." I simply told him. I tried to ease the tension between us. For some reason, I felt ten times better now that he had been next to me. I felt the warmth radiating off of him, and I felt safe once again. The emptiness I had felt the past week was almost diminished. "And now your mother will never see you again! And we have nothing but these cookies to keep us at bay until we reach our final des– Embry!" My eyes briefly went from the road down to the cookies that had been placed between us. There were only five left, and I swear there had been over thirty before. "When did you–" He looked at me with wide eyes. He had been caught. There was a mouthful of cookies stuffed in his mouth when I caught him. I eased my car into a stop because we had hit traffic. I shoved the rest of the cookies in my mouth with fire in my eyes. There was no way he was going to take the last of it. Now here we were. We went from tense, awkward, and lonely distance; to two people with a face full of cookies. We tried to swallow the chocolate but it was hard because we were too busy laughing at each other.  

Just like that we were back.


I bitterly laughed at the scene that had been before me. There Stephan was, naked, and on top of a girl on his hotel bed. So this is what had kept him so busy this entire trip? And to think I was going to break off in a respectable way. The laugh caught their attention. When Stephan's eyes met mine he frantically got off the bed and tried his best to cover up with a pillow. The girl scrambled to grab the covers and her clothes. I looked right at him and shook my head with a maniacal smile on my face. This was way too good to be true. It couldn't have been simple could it? I figured I was going to drive up to Seattle, break it off with him easily, and call it a day. Then I'd go out with Embry and have lunch before we headed back home. But this is what I had walked into.

"T-Tristan it's not –" Stephan tried to find his voice.

"Not what it looks like right?" I scoffed and threw him an incredulous look. "It's really fine." It was. It didn't faze me entirely. I had after all, lost any feelings I had towards him way before I had moved to La Push. "I came here to break up with you because I couldn't do long distance. It's fine, resume whatever it was you were doing." I threw a faux smile there way before I took my leave. That would be the last I saw of Stephan. And good riddance to him too. I walked past Brandon in the hallway who was about to throw me a smile before he realized who his best friend was currently with.

On the elevator down it dawned on me. In a sense, I had cheated on Stephan too. Never physically but emotionally. My heart had been for someone else. Embry. It was for him the entire time. Had that made me a better person? If I had broken up with him sooner, swallowed the idea that I had to do it in person, Stephan wouldn't have that guilt over his head. And neither would I. A bitter laugh erupted from the back of my throat. He and I were on the same boat. Embry had been patiently waiting outside the car for me.

"Well?" I hadn't explained to him my true intentions of coming to this hotel. He just sat and waited for me to be finished with whatever business I had.

"Well he was cheating me." I solemnly said with a small shrug of the shoulders. I had to tell someone. This seemed to make Embry tick. His eyes got darker and he looked like he wanted to kill someone. "I practically did the same." I said in a soft voice. I looked down at my hands shamefully at the idea. Embry's entire demeanor softened as he rushed to my side. His hands grabbed my shoulders and he looked me dead in the eyes. He mumbled something about how I could possibly do that. "Embry I like you." I mumbled softly. "I liked you while I was still with him. That's cheating." I sighed. I couldn't believe I had admitted that to him but I couldn't contain it any longer. I liked Embry Call. Now Embry Call knew. He only frowned in response. He ushered me back into the car as he took his seat on the passenger's side. After all what could anyone really say to that? I started my car and drove out of the parking lot. I was still starved. And knowing the type of appetite Embry had, he must've been too.

I desperately wanted him to say something. Anything. I had just publicly admitted my true feelings to him and nothing. He didn't say anything. It put me at a great unease at the things that could've been going on in his head. If he didn't like me, he could at least let me know. If I had been imagining all this chemistry I thought we had, he could tell me. I hated that we sat in silence until we had gotten to the restaurant. It was unnerving. Maybe he had moved on in the week we hadn't spoken. My heart literally broke at the thought. But if he was happy, I would be too. I came to that conclusion.

"Before you moved into town, I had a girlfriend." Embry began. There was a small basket of bread that had been presented to the table along with our drinks. Oh god, here came the big reveal. He was back with her. "She and I broke up for our own reasons. But I made a dumb promise to her that I knew I couldn't keep. I told that I would come back to her if we ever broke up cause she had been different. I had been so sure she was the one." My heart dropped to my stomach when he said this. "Then things started happening to me. And I knew there was no way I was going back for her. I knew she wasn't for me anymore. And for sometime she left me alone and I figured she came to that understanding." He continued.

"I met you and... everything changed. I like you too Tristan. Probably more than I ever liked a girl before but... It's complicated." He had a deep frown on his face. I couldn't help it anymore. I reached over to grab a piece of bread. I was so hungry. "I started hanging out with you. And I guess something ticked inside of her. She started making advances towards me again. She even broke up with the new guy she had been dating for awhile." He explained that she had seen us together the first day of school. She had confronted him during lunch that's why he had been weird the rest of the day. He explained that it just brought back their old relationship in his head, and he felt bad he said things he didn't mean. They hadn't ended on the worst note, but now she was trying to get back into his life once more.

"Embry, I'm sure you didn't mean to hurt her. You probably meant it at the time." I sympathized with him. Embry meekly nodded. Where did this leave us though? He also admitted he liked me but for now, it seemed like we were going nowhere. It was selfish of me to think I could have to my way so easily. That I would break it off with Stephan and think I could finally be with Embry. But of course, there were several different factors that played into it. I didn't even consider that Embry had an ex girlfriend to be dealing with. I leaned back into my seat with a sigh. Today was supposed to go so much better.

[A/N: Hi guys! I want to thank you all for the overwhelming positive outcome I've gotten so far with this story. I really appreciate it, I'm glad you guys are enjoying. It's really my pleasure making this story for you. Thanks to the usual people who vote and comment I love you always! Also thanks for the adds on reading lists guys. I'm trying to update once a week every Thursday because I'm off school and work this day :) xx ]

End of Time (Embry Call)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя