I blushed. "See you soon, Mitchie."

I wanted him. Bad.
My heart beat harder and I touched the frame. I wanted him. I wanted him.

When my clock buzzed 6:10, I walked out.
I was going to Mitch's house.
I breathed harder. I touched my door and it opened. I walked into my limo and shut the door. It didn't start. I tapped on the seat.

"William?" I called to my driver. No response.
I walked out and over to the driver's seat.
William was asleep there. I got mad.

I broke the car window with the pole I always carried around and he woke up with a start.

"Oh master Travis..I-"

I hit the car again and again. The dents got deeper and William hunched over. He tried to open the door but I pushed it back with my feet. He yelped.

"No refunds." I pelted the car some more and I felt stress leaking out of my shoulders as William ducked, trying to live.

I threw the pole away with a sigh. The car was a mess. All the windows were broken. The door's hinges had fallen off.

I sighed again proudly and slipped a check for a thousand bucks out of my wallet. I threw it at William and smiled.

"You're fired."

and I walked down the street to Mitch's house.

Some people call me wierd.

Some call me that I'm a psycho.

But I like to call myself a lonley sociopath.

I picked my phone up to call Jonathan.
Then I stopped.
My phone was going crazy with texts and notifications. I had 37 phone calls. 30 were from dad. I opened youtube.

A new video was posted on my anti fan's
channel. I clicked it nervously.
I blinked. Mitch stood in the video.

"Hi everyone. Mitch Grassi here. You know me,  this years target. A lot of you hate me because you think I left Travis for Scott.

He pointed to Scott who was on his left.

"But let me tell you the truth about Travis Stoll." He said, and all my past targets came out. Troye went first.

"I know it's his work. But his work shouldn't hurt people. Everyone watches Hunter T. Stoll because it's funny to see people be humiliated. But that's not where it ends."

"I had over 34 meetings with my counselor. 4 years of mental care." Tyler put a hand on Troye's trembling shoulder.

"Same, but 46 meetings for me. I never trusted anyone after that ever again."

Mitch nodded. "Troye told me about Travis and he helped me through everything. So did everyone else. " He pointed to all my ex boy(and girl) friends who nodded.

"Yes. He hurt me bad." Mamerie Hart said.

"Very VERY bad." Hannah Hart said.

"And Scott was one of those who helped me."
Mitch pointed to Scott again. He scratched his neck awkwardly.

"Listen. I didn't cheat on Travis. He was making me so miserable. He made me want to stop living. And when I realized he was only playing with me, that he was using me for money, I broke up with him."

He held out the text I sent to him just this morning. "And he've been bothering me afterwards. He's obsessed over me and I, as a normal 20 year old, was scared. He even tried to make Scottt a murderer.

"I have no idea what Travis will do to me when he sees this, but I had to tell everyone. Okay. Mitch Grassi out."

Then the video ended. I gulped.
I dialed my father.


Mitch's POV

I ran into Scott's arms. The video was a hit.
I knew what billionaires were afraid of.


So when I heard from my friend Jonathan that Travis was planning to avenge me, I made the video and posted it. And it worked like gold. Everyone blamed Travis for hurting innocent school boys and for lying about me. I love the internet.

Scott kissed me and I ran my fingers through his hair. His beautiful blonde hair smelled just beautiful. I pulled away smiling.

Just then someone pounded on my door.
I walked over and opened it to-


"Mitch Grassi we need to talk."

He was in a worst state than I thought. His eye was bruised and his lips were bleeding.

"I guess your father..." I pointed at his face.
He glared. "Thanks by the way."

I smiled and waited.

"Mitch I really loved you." He started. I raised an eyebrow. "Oh really?"

I stepped towards him sharpish. He blinked and backed away.

"Monster. Faggot. Queer." I said, poking his chest each time. He flinched.

"Sound familiar?"

He glared. "I-"

"Stop this Travis. It's easier for you anyway."

He screamed in furstration and turned away to leave. But he turned around to yell,

"I'll avenge you one day!!I swear!"

That's how he left my life for a while.

I turned and ran to Scott.
He held me tight. "Good work baby."
I sighed happily and hid my face in his chest.
He stroked my hair. "I love you Grassi."

I looked up.

"I love you Scott Hoying."

And I really ment it.


This story is coming to an end (Whaaaaaat?)
I think the next chapter might be the last chapter of Not Anymore. Maybe I'll add one more, but I'm not sure. I love y'all for reading this garbage, and voting for it too. Stay with me to the end of this jorney. I know you'll love it.
Thank you. For everything.

Yours truly,

Charlie Brown (qwertyuiop243).

Not Anymore [Book One]Where stories live. Discover now