chapter 30

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this story is getting wierder.
I didn't plan for this and there might be holes here and there but I promise it's a good story.
I'd love it if you keep your votes and comments comin'.
This chapter is quite bright despite my mood.
My family is fighting a lot and I feel lost.

I smile less and less and I'm starting to feel like Mitch in 'I won't let go'

But I'll get through. Like always.
Okay thanks for listening to me.
I love y'all more than anything in the world.
On with the story!! <3


"Mrs. Grassi I didn't do it!" I hollered as I was held as criminal at the police station.

"Well I left the house alone with Mitch and Travis for an hour and when I come back, all the windows are broken, Travis has a hole in his shoulder and Mitch's strangled by you."

"Who should not be in our house." Mr. Grassi added. I groaned.

"Sir I knew Mitch was in trouble and I came to help. Travis strangled Mitch and he shot himself. I was letting Mitch go when the officers came in."
I tried but it didn't work.
All my fingerprints were on the injector, Travis's clothes and the door. And I smelled like alcohol.

Even I was convinced to think of me as a murderer. But at least I had the most important person on my side.


He told everyone that I was not guilty, and when they didn't believe him, he tried to throw himself out the window.

I loved him so much.

I had to get out of here and protect him.

I walked out of the police station, tired.
I did get some time but I had to interview some people about my 'guiltiness.'
I wasn't off the hook.

Mitch met me at the door. He looked so thin and weak in the hospital outfit.

"Mitchie.." I said, hugging him. He hugged back. He teared up when he saw me and I wiped his eyes. "Hey it'll be okay."

"No...I'm really sorry Scott." He cried.

"Mitch it's okay. I'm fine." I stroked his hair and tried to ignore the dirty looks Mr and Mrs Grassi gave me.

"Scott, we have to tell them." He cried.
"We have to tell them it was Travis.
We have to tell them Travis tried to kill you."

"What?" Mrs. Grassi rushed over and held him.

"Mitch. What did you say?"

Mitch bit his lip. "I..uh..."

"Tell them." I told him. They had to know.

"Mom..." He handed her his phone. She took it. It was the picture of the Beyoncé magazine he took before.

 It was the picture of the Beyoncé magazine he took before

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Mitch's POV

"What's this? Why are you on the back of a magazine? Is T. Stoll Travis? Why is he called a hunter? Why are you a target? Explain."
She demanded. I did.

I told her everything. From what Troye told me to what Travis did to Scott.
I told her about Tyler, Troye and all the other targets and how they swore to help me.
And lastly, I told her how Scott protected me from him.

"If Scott wasn't here, I wouldn't be here either." I said. "He helped me get rid of Travis and he helped me get over the pain.
Please mom, I need him. I died once without him. I'll never have that experience again."

Mom blinked. "No..Travis couldn't.."

"I can't believe it." Dad said, walking over. He took my phone and looked at it. "So this is real? You didn't make this with those..apps?"
(A.N:guiltily looks away)

I nodded. "Yeah I have the magazine at home. You can google us if you want."

He did. Right there infront of me.
He scrolled down the articles of me and all the past targets. He read about Travis's interviews and his work.
Mom teared up from behind his shoulder.
She was reading as well.

He dropped his phone. "Mitch.."

"Dad I'm sorry. I know you're disappointed, and  that you're angry at me, but can we please talk about it later? I need to get Scott-"

He pulled me into a hug. My eyes went big and I froze in his arms. "Dad.."

"I'm so sorry son. I had no idea you had so much..." He let go of me quickly and coughed.
"I mean...sorry." he said and I nodded slowly.

"Thank you for understanding." I said and my mom ran to me. She touched my face and I smiled at her. "Sorry for not telling you."

She nodded tearfully. "I understand."

"So, uhm. Let's go home." Dad said. I nodded. He saw through me and nodded at Scott.

"You too. I'll get you off the hook of this crime.  And uh...Bring Kirstie along as well.
Tell her I'm really sorry about the...drugs."

Scott smiled. "Will do." Then he ran off.

"So, uh. About Scott.." I started. "Can I love-"

"Shh. We'll talk later." Dad said. "But at the moment, no one's stopping you." He smiled which seemed like the first time.

I felt happiness filling my heart. But something stopped me. "Dad?"


"Do you think the police officers would belive me if I tell them about the real Travis? He is a billionaire after all."

Dad frowned. "No, I don't son. But I can get Scott out of the police station. I'll go talk to them. I think that's all we can do at the moment."

I nodded. "Okay."

He walked to the police station and 10 minutes later he walked out with Scott and Kirstie at his side. I smiled.

I ran to Scott and kissed him right on the lips.
He laughed and grabbed my waist as if he was grabbing a baby.
"Let's go to your house." He said.

"Our house." I corrected him. "Our home."

Kirstie walked over and punched me. "I'm talking, you idiot!" she said and I laughed.

"Candice did a great job, eh?"

Scott laughed. "She sure did."

I took his hand and Kirstie took mine.
We walked, talking nonestop all the way.
I closed my eyes as Kirstie complained about her lack of attention.

Life couldn't be better.

Not Anymore [Book One]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt