chapter 7

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"Holy shit you did not." I stared at Avi as he got on his hands and knees, looking for the key.

"I'm so sorry you guys. This was a simple trick!
I just had to fling my hands around and distract you all as I unlocked your cuffs, but....." Avi sighed. "I lost the key. I cannot."

I whipped my head around to look at Scott, who hadn't said a word. "Well??" I asked.

He looked at Avi with a cold stare. "Not cool, man!" he said and turned back to me.
"Let ask mom. She'll know what to do."

I nodded and followed him.
Mom would know what to do. I had hope.

"I'm sorry, honey there's nothing I can do.
I can make the key myself, but it would take a lot of months to  make the cast, melt the metal, and for it to dry."

I sighed and looked at Travis. "Uhm.."

"It's alright. I'm not worried." he smiled.

"That's nice." I grinned.

"Well You should worry."


"What did you just say?" Travis snarled.

"You really should be worried. I'm HOT, and no one can resist me if I try something on them."

"Scott what are you doing...?" I whispered.

He looked at me for a while, and pulled me close. "I'm just saying. No one is that calm when one's boyfriend is handcuffed to another guy." He wispered in my ear, "He's up to something. I'm just worried you'll get hurt, Mitch. You're my brother."

I blushed and shoved him away. "It's none of your business." I managed to mutter.

He shrugged and pulled me to a chair.
He sat down, and I stood next to him uncomfortably.

He saw me and motioned to his lap.
I shook my head and he groaned. "I'm your BROTHER, Mitch. You don't have to be uncomfortable around me. You once saved my life, and I will return the favor. Sit.Down." He ordered firmly.

I did as I was told, but that didn't make me any less uncomfortable.
It wasn't Scott. It was me.
I felt weird around him, and I did not need another boy(especially my brother)to love.
And I thought Kirstie's love was complicated.

Travis walked over to me and Scott. He was carrying a small stool. He set it down next to where Scott and I were sitting and tapped it lightly.

"C'mon. Sit here, my queen. You look as umcomfortable as a sheep caught in a bush."

I felt like one too.

I wanted to hurl myself at the stool, but I hesitated. I looked at Scott. His blue eyes were impossible to read, but I saw them looking Travis up and down.
Then he noticed me and nodded.

As I sat down on the stool, Travis turned the TV on and glued his eyes on the screen. He didn't say a word to me afterwards.

I frowned. Maybe Scott was right.
Maybe there was somethng going on with Travis.
This was going to be a long day.

I looked over at Scott, and I saw him looking at somethig small and shiny in his hand.         A moment later, Scott saw me staring at the thing and hurridly shoved it in his pocket.

I can't be one hundred percent sure, but I'm pretty sure it looked like a key.

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