chapter 22

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Kirstie's POV
This is wierd.
Over 12 new guys sat in our living room.

"So I'm guessing this is a blind date or something?" I asked.

Scott laughed. "Not really."

Mitch smiled but I knew he wasn't in the mood for any of this. His dark circles bagged down to his cheek bones. His face was whiter than usual.
And Scott was wierd too. He was bleeding. He was covered in blood. He scared me a bit.

Actually, Everything in our livingroom scared me. Mom and dad were running late, and I had to take care of all these men. Great.

Mitch's POV

I wasn't injoying this.
Even though these men all went though the same thing as me, I felt hurt.
In the woods, I tried not to show, but I felt dead. I've never felt so stupid.

"I'm sorry. I think I need some rest." I said, standing up. Scott started to follow me, but Romeo (The hot one with the tatoos) stopped him.

"Trust me. He needs alone time." He whispered. Scott reluctantly sat down, but his gaze never left me as I trumped up the stairs.

I threw myself on my bed and cried.
That was why Travis came back after our break up. That was why he'd been so nice when Scott hit him.
That was why Scott hit him, It dawned on me.

I sat up and opened my labtop.
I went in google and typed 'Travis Stoll.'

Everything Troye told me was there.
All the magazine covers.
All the photos.

With a shaking hand, I typed my name.
'Mitch Grassi'

Mitch grassi is this year's target of Hunter T. Stoll. He is 20 years old, has brown hair and eyes, and his family is-

I threw the laptop at my closet and screamed.
Tears came in my eyes again, and I let them overflow. I grabbed the Beyoncé magazine again, and stared at it.
I was just a target to them.
Nobody cared about me.
I almost fell for it.

I stared at my hand. The ring Travis gave me.
I flung it out the window and fell to my knees.
Sobs escaped my throat and I hunched up.

The door to my room opened but I didn't see.
Someone gasped but I didn't hear.
My head overflowed with memories of Travis.
Of his smile, his eyes, and his body.
I stood up and hauled myself to the mirror.

My skinny self stared back at me.
I was a monster.
A faggot.
A dirty queer.
I threw a rock that was in my pocket. The mirror crashed and broke into a hundered pieces. Someone gasped again and that time I heard. I turned around.


Scott's POV

I was real worried about Mitch.
Even though the guys didn't let me go up, my mind was in Mitch's room. But I stayed. Untill..


I jumped up and headed straight towards our room. I opened the door and saw Mitch's laptop broken on the floor. Mitch was on his knees, crying.
I tried to get to him, but he jumped up.
He threw his ring out the window and fell to the ground, hard.

I thought he was dead, but he crawled to his full length mirror. He stared at himself and whispered,



"Dirty Queer."

Then he broke the mirror with a rock and I gasped loudly. He turned around.

Not Anymore [Book One]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora