chapter 12

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today's a very short chapter, actually. I'm sorry :( I know I'm being lazy and I will update the next chapter as soon as possible.
Chapter 12 is just a small step made for Chapter 13, so like I said, it's very very short.
But, uhm I love this book and I did my best.
p.s. the date of the day Scott told Kirstie who Travis really was and showed her the papers is September 24th, okay?
The date will be mentioned a lot during the story ;)

Kirstie's POV

I still remeber the day Scott told me about The real Travis.
After he showed me the papers and the pictures, we planned to rescue Mitch from Travis. The talk went like this.

"So what's the plan?" I asked eagerly. "Did you talk to him about it?"

Scott sighed. "Mitch won't litsen to me." he said, shaking his head. "And I tried, but I couldn't bare to hurt him. Mitch loves him to much, K. He'll be crushed if we tell him."

"But if we don't, Travis will crush him." I reasoned. Scott closed his eyes.

"I know I know. But let me put it this way.
He will be hurt when he finds out, because he loves Travis, right?" I nodded.

"So why don't we make him love another guy? A better guy! A guy that will make him forget all about Travis, and Mitch will dump him by his own choice. He won't have to get hurt!"

I gasped.
"Scott, you are a genious!! But who would that guy be? He needs to be a great actor."

He nodded. "I know."

"And handsome, too. And attractive."

"I know, K."

"And he should really know Mitch too, know the character."

"K, you're pressuring me, stop it!" he said.

I stared at him. "You....."

"Yes." Scott's fave turned grim.

"I will prentend to be in love with Mitch."

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