Episode 29

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Yeri POV

I don't know what to do now. I stared at the phone screen as I saw the message earlier. Should I go for it? Is he awake even? Ahh.. should I heed Joy unnie's advice? Ehhh~ she might have been wrong too. But should I or should I not? Before I could even think twice, my phone lit up again. I stared at the screen for a good five minutes. Should I straight away answer? No... Joy unnie always said that it would make me look desperate. I kept on staring at my now blank screen. Ah...should I just go for it? Without a second thought, I unlocked my phone and went to the messaging app.

Jungkook oppa:

Yeri? Are you awake?
Seen 01:55am (sent 01:45am)

Seen 01:55am

10 minutes.

Seen 01:55am

It took you 10 bloody minutes to answer my message.
Seen 01:56am

Oh please. I was busy watching a video.
Seen 01:57am

Oh sure... 😒
Seen 01:57am

What is it that you want?
Seen 01:58am

Your answer.
Seen 01:58am

Come on. At least a response.
Seen 01:59am

I like you too.
Seen 02:00am

Like that?
Seen 02:00am

I knew it. I guess I wasn't your type. Sorry.
Seen 02:01am

Wait what?
Seen 02:01am

I like you too, idiot.
Seen 02:02am

So what? Are we a couple now?
Seen 02:02am

I guess so? Good night, Jungkook.
Seen 02:03am

I locked my phone almost immediately. Did I just do that? I didn't actually thought I would be confessing that easily. My fingers gkt the better of me. Slowly, I started to smile to myself before covering the blanket over my head. I can't wait till tomorrow when I meet him again.

Jungkook POV

I locked my phone before smiling to myself. Probably a little bit too much. I'm pretty sure my hyungs are thinking about how I've been acting weird.

"Jungkook? Why are you smiling so much? Did something good happen? "

I shook my head to get rid of the ideas. I turned towards the others and just shook it off. I'd rather not inform them about this.

"Hyung,do we have schedule we Red Velvet tomorrow? " I asked really eagerly.

"Yeah. Why?"

"No reason."

I can't stop thinking about it. I don't know why. Is this what they call love? I bit my lips to prevent myself from smiling any further as I watched the movie in silence while the other two were just in their own world talking.


For once I felt excited for something when I woke up this morning. Like as if I was looking forward to something. I get why Taehyung and Jimin is always excited whenever we have a schedule with Red Velvet. I found myself just immediately on my phone sending to Yeri a message before taking a shower. When I got back, she finally replied. I'm pretty sure she just woke up.

♡ Yermie♡

Good morning sleepyhead.
Seen 05.20am (sent 05:00am)

Not so.
Seen 05:20am

You just woke up didn't you?
Seen 05:21am

What? Me?
Seen 05:21am

Seen 05:22am

You overslept?
Seen 05:22am

Nooo.... I just decided
not to wake up on time.
Seen 05:23am

I'm going to shower now. Bye.
Seen 05:23am

See you later
Sent 05:24am

Our conversations are short. Unlike Jimin or Taehyung whose conversations can go for as long as the whole day. I locked my phone before changing my clothes.

Immediately we made our way to the location of our next schedule. I just went to look out of the window while some of the rest were talking about how they're excited for the lineup today and other stuffs.

"Red Velvet is coming today right?!" Hoseok hyung half yelled in the car.

"Yeah, Jungkook! Have you and Yeri made up yet?" Taehyung questioned afterwards turning to me.

"Why?" I replied back raising an eyebrow.

"Because if you haven't then we will have to do some desperate measures." Jimin hyung added smirking at me.

I hesitated for a while. Well, I wonder what is it that they planned out.

"I guess you get to use it then." I said trying to sound convincing. Good thing they bought it.

"You guys are still awkward with each other?!"

They all screamed in unison at me. Probably one of the things they can officially get working together most of the time without arguing.

"I call dibs on the leader position! " Taehyung immediately called out raising his arm.

"Yeah right! I came up with this idea so I should be the leader!" Jimin screamed back pushing the arm down while raising his.

"You're forgetting the more older and maturer one here." Hoseok hyung pointed out while hitting the two of them.

I held in my laughter looking at the three fighting. In the front, manager hyung is already screaming at them to shut up while still keeping his eyes on the road. The sunshine trio kept on arguing and screaming at each other nonstop throughout the whole ride just because I said me and Yeri hasn't made up. Now I'm super curious as to what the hell they're going to do to us.


Edited: 29/11/16

I took one month to remember that I wrote this and publish it...

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