22. From Bad to Worse

Start from the beginning

I went to reply but the world was to incomprehensible for me to understand, I couldn't bring myself to speak. That was when I realised something was wrong.

"Ashton?" The person asked, what I could understand as fear now tainting their voice, "Fuck." The word was loud and harsh on my ears and I flinched, causing the grip on me to shift along with the walls. It felt like the world was spinning, collapsing in on itself and pounding against my head.

"Alistair! Come here man!" The person shouted once again and I groaned in pain at the sound, arms moving uselessly.


Alistair's POV:

"Hey Soraya!" I shouted, catching sight of the familiar wine coloured hair as she clawed her way through the crowd, roughly shoving people aside. She paused in her attempts, however, and turned to look in my direction.

"Yeah Alice?!" She shouted back and I pushed my way through the crowd towards her,

"Is your friend Willow here?" I asked, the drink in my hand splashing cold liquid onto the floor as someone bumped me. It was only coke, so I wasn't too angry about losing half of it.

"Why?" She asked skeptically, her gaze briefly drifting down as she avoided the spill.

"Just curious." I replied casually, although I couldn't stop the interest from leaking into my voice, I couldn't explain it, but I wanted to know. As odd as that sounds. She didn't seem like the kind of person to drop by a baseball after party, but I knew it would be cute, she'd probably blush at the sight of all these people. That's what shy people do. She seems shy.

"She was supposed to turn up, we were going to walk in together all fabulous-like but it didn't happen. She might just be..." she didn't finish but gave a confused expression as she looked to the pocket of her skinny jeans. She pulled out her phone and read what must have been a message before looking back at me. "She's late, but she's out the front now." She stated, then she seemed to be deep in thought. "You can go get her, I'm looking for someone else."


"Go get her Alistair, she's gonna get hopelessly lost before she even walks in the door." She stated before being pulled away as a group of people ran into her. "What the fuck do you think this is?! I was having..." Her voice trailed off as she continued to be dragged by the tidal wave of people. My feet then carried me to the front door, breaking out of the thick and warm aired house into rain and cool wind.

I looked around the many cars parked on the front lawn and the driveway, finding one with the lights still on. Willow was probably in that car, I'd seen the small hatchback at school many times. The passenger door opened as a teenage girl climbed out, her bright red hair that had been straightened instantly falling into tight waves as the rain hit it. I couldn't hear it but I knew she was shouting at the driver, probably her twin brother, before she slammed the door closed and started walking towards the front door.

"Hey Willow." I called as she made it under the front porch, stepping forward to intercept her.

"Oh, um, hi." She said a little breathlessly, her make-up was already running, hair soaked and her teeth were chattering.

"Soraya got a bit lost in the crowd, so um, come on, I'll get you inside." I stated, placing my hand on the small of her back without hesitation, and pushing her gently towards the door. She seemed to freeze for a moment, and I wasn't exactly sure whether it was from my touch or the amount of people in the room. But her attention was immediately drawn straight to those who were trying their best to eat each other's tonsils.

"Holy cheeseballs." She stated, eyes rounded and I decided to maybe get her out of the room.

"Drink?" I asked her, and she turned to look at me with wide eyes. "Take that as a 'yes'." I stated, my hand still on her back to lead her into the kitchen for a drink. "Alcoholic or non-alcoholic?"

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