Chapter 5. Agree to Disagree

Start from the beginning

A floorboard squeaked behind me and I quickly spun around, to see Scott leading Kira out of the house. Once they were outside, I made my way to the staircase and ascended them as fast as I could. The front door creaked open and I mentally cursed myself for not being fast enough. I slid inside my bedroom and as I went to turn around to close the door, I was face to face with Scott. 

"You're avoiding me." he stated with a sigh. 

I nodded my head once, "Very perceptive." 

"Kasey, you're gonna have to speak to me again." Scott said. 

I rolled my eyes, "I'm aware of that, thank you." 

He huffed and folded his arms over his chest, "I'm sorry, okay? I don't know what else you want me to say?"

My eyes narrowed, "Uh, maybe that Stiles and I are right and you're wrong? I think that'd be a great starting point for you." 

"Can we just agree to disagree for now? I think that's a fair place to start." Scott suggested. 

I know this whole fight seems stupid, believe me I can see that... but I don't understand why he's so adamant to not believe that Theo is the bad guy here. Is it really that hard to picture? It took all of twenty minutes and I was convinced that there was something up with him. 

A groan of irritation escaped me, "Oh my God, why are you refusing to budge on this?"

"Either we agree to disagree, or we just aren't going to be able to coexist... I accept that you think he's evil, now it's only fair that you accept that I don't think he is." he said with finality. 

I scoffed, "Fine. I'll accept it, but that means you're the one that's going to take the fall for whatever happens." 

"I'm okay with that," Scott responded with a shrug. 

Once again, my eyes rolled, "Good talk. I'm going to bed." 

With that, I closed my door on him. I could hear him sigh heavily before he retreated to his bedroom. I threw my phone on my bed in annoyance and ran my hands through my hair. Stiles and I are going to have to find something to convince him that Theo is evil, before it's too late.

⬘ ⬘ ⬘

"Oh, I should've got a haircut." Sheriff Stilinski said as he nervously ran his hand over his head, inspection his reflection in the small mirror he was holding. 

He had a date tonight, and you could tell that he was really nervous. I felt bad that he had all of this pent up energy that he couldn't dispel, but at the same time being nervous because you have a date is better than not being nervous and not having a date at all. He was dressed nicely, with a plaid button up accented with a tie and and a brown jacket. I very rarely see him out of uniform, even when I stay over at Stiles' house he's usually in the uniform. 

"Well, you know someone your age should be happy you still have hair to cut." Stiles responded with a sarcastic smile. He also was dressed rather nicely in my opinion. He had on a white t-shirt with a black accent around the collar and he paired it with a purple zip up jacket. One of my favorite zip up jackets that he owns because he wore it that one time we went ice skating. 

Scott looked Sheriff Stilinski over and smiled warmly, "I think you look great." 

"I agree," I added with a grin, "the tie really pulls it all together." 

He smiled genuinely at the two of us, "Thank you children I wish I had." 

Stiles glanced at his father in betrayal before he said, "Well if all goes according to plan Kasey will be your daughter in law at some point." 

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