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"Hey mom, I'm home. And I have a friend with me." I kicked off my shoes and dragged Jungkook into the kitchen where my mom was preparing the dinner. She was standing by the stove, stirring in one of the pots. I didn't know what she was cooking but it smelled good for sure. Once she heard us entering the room she turned around with a bright smile covering her face. Surprise was evident in her eyes once she realised that she didn't recognise the guy standing in the doorway.

"Oh, hello. I'm sorry, I just kind of expected it to be Taehyung or Jimin." She put down the wooden spoon and turned her whole body towards us.

"Mom, this is Jungkook, we are working on a project together." Jungkook smiled charmingly and extended his hand towards my mother.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Jungkook." My mom grabbed his hand and shook it firmly. "Are you new to the area? I've never seen you around before." They both withdrew their hands and stood straight.

"Yes, me and my family moved here a week ago." He still wore that charming smile and I was shocked at how forward he was being. Especially considering his shyness the first time we met.

"I hope you and your family enjoy the city so far." Jungkook nodded. "I'll call you down when dinner is ready but now you can go and start working on this project you were talking about." I agreed and took hold of Kookie's hand, I didn't expect it to be so much bigger than my own. It completely enveloped mine and sent shivers down my spine. I shrugged the feeling off and pulled him down the corridor to my room.

My room wasn't the biggest but it was definitely bright making it look bigger than it actually was. I let myself fall onto the bed after I dropped my bag to the floor. Jungkook was just standing in the doorway awkwardly. Like he didn't know what to do. I smiled at him.

"You can sit down you know." His eyes, that had been roaming the room, snapped to me. He slowly started approaching my bed and sat down beside me. I took out my computer from my bag and started it.

"Ok, so we have the characters, now we need a plot." Jungkook straightened his back suddenly and he grinned at me.

"I may have some ideas." he quickly took my computer and started typing in a plot and some details he wanted to include. I read over his shoulder and I noticed goosebumps appear on his neck. I smirked at that.

"That is so cheesy!" I exclaimed and started giggling. Jungkook stopped typing and turned around. he blushed slightly but he wore a big smile, showing off his white teeth. A laugh escaped his mouth and soon we were both lying on the bed laughing our heads off.

"I am a cheesy person." He got out when we calmed down. I couldn't stop smiling. Leaning forward I tried reading everything he wrote without laughing again.

"Fine, I know it's not that good, we don't have to use it." His gaze was now on the floor rather than on me and I instantly felt guilty.

"No, no, it's really good. I love it, I just didn't expect you to be into the cheesy stuff. It's cute." He tried not smiling but without success. I couldn't help myself. I reached over and pinched one of his cheeks, he immediately flinched back and glared at me. I started giggling but stopped quickly when I saw the look on his face. He slowly started crawling towards me and before I could even think I bolted out of my bed and out of his reach. He was quick to follow and since my room was small he had me pinned against the wall in no time. I couldn't stop smiling, he made me smile even without trying. It scared me.

He gave me an intense look, his arms on either side of me so there was no way for me to escape. A smirk soon spread across his lips and suddenly his fingers were dancing all over my ribcage. I was squirming like crazy and Jungkook couldn't contain the laughs escaping his mouth. My knees buckled and I slid down the wall until I was lying on the floor. He finally removed his fingers and I could breath again. Giggles were still tumbling from his lips and his hand was just lazily settled on my waist.

"You're so mean." I said between my own laughs. He just smiled at me and helped me up from the cold floor. He was looking at me seriously again. "Stop that, you can't just go from childish to serious in a matter of 0.5 seconds."

"Well, I am the golden maknae." That made me hit him on his shoulder and he took a couple of steps away from me, a smile still evident on his face.

Suddenly there was a knock on my door, making the both of us jump.

"Hey, dinner's ready if you're hungry." My mom had a knowing smirk on when she opened the door. I awkwardly nodded and left my room, kind of expecting Jungkook to follow me, which he did.

Dinner went by somewhat quickly, thankfully. Mom was pretty much unbearable. She was babbling on about how she has been waiting for me to bring a boy home that wasn't, and I quote, "the hooligans" I always bring home. Obviously she was talking about Jimin and Tae. Don't take it the wrong way, she loved them like the sons she never got, but they really didn't know how to calm down. The only time they weren't all over the place was when they were too tired too. Mom also threw questions at Jungkook at lightning speed, I'm impressed that he was able to answer all of them. She asked him about his family, how it was where he lived before, even about past relationships. That was when I subtly kicked her under the table resulting in her glaring at me, she kept her questions to herself after that though.

Before I knew it it was time for Jungkook to head home. We were standing in the hallway, his shoes and jacket were already on him and we were just standing there in silence. Eventually I broke it.

"I'm sorry about my mother, she can be a pain sometimes."

"It's fine, your mom's cool, at least she's involved with you." The happiness in his eyes faltered slightly but I didn't think that it was any of my business so I didn't mention it.

"I'll write some of the story tonight and show you tomorrow, okay?" He nodded.

"Yeah, I'll see you tomorrow then." He went in for a hug but hesitated making me hug him instead and then kiss his cheek in the process. He left my house with a burning face. 

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