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Being Suga's Room Mate Would Involve:

Returning home from your shift at work to find him sprawled out on the couch, slumped over the table or even just draped on floor.

Carefully trying to pick up the lyrics he has thrown all over the place, only to jump out of your skin when he snatches them back out of embarrassment However, he soon returns to his joyful self once he has a few seconds to adjust to the light, trailing behind you like a lost puppy"Can you make something to eat? I'm starving"

"I asked you to go grocery shopping a week ago, do you really expect me to find food in the cupboards?"

The two of you finding an almost fossilized frozen pizza in your otherwise empty kitchen Both having an incredibly sarcastic relationship"That outfit looks terrible on you."

"Your face looks terrible on you."

Randomly hearing the sounds of skin slapping and then peeping around the wall to realizing it's just Yoongi violently slapping his thigh along to only something he would describe as a 'sick beat'

You 'borrowing' some of his jackets and jewelry because his fashion sense is just so good???

You two never being bored with each other since you both led such different lives

Him hiding in his bedroom when you invite your friends over

You loosing your key and being locked out for hours despite texting him since he was too busy sleeping

You taking his phone whenever you watch a moving together, since he's working and interacting with the fans ALL THE TIME and tbh he needs to chill

Trying to do your own work, but soon being interrupted with a grumpy voice from across the room"[Y/N], what's the English word for [...]?" He asks, trying to write the English parts of his songs

You trying your hardest not to reply with something with completely different meaning. Like really, really bad meaning

Getting an angry text from him the day after when Namjoon questions him on said lyrics-what do you mean you didn't know what it meant????--i don't know, i'm sorry ok--but english is your first language!-

But at the end of the day, at least you can think yourself lucky for having a roommate that sleeps for 90% of the time he's in your apartment


Sorry for this imagine, I am super tired rn bc my brother won't do his own homework, so I'm doing it. I'm seriously tired.

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