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I my head back in my chair and groaned. I had been reading through this thirteen times now and I still can't keen any of it in my brain. It was like the information entered through one ear and out through the other every single time I tried to process it. I let closed my book and put it in my bag, that's when I noticed that the only light nearby was from the lamppost outside the window. Confused I threw my bag over my shoulder and headed towards the exit. Not a single light was on and I convinced myself that it was probably just a blackout. I never liked the dark, not knowing where I put my feet and having a very big risk of falling any second, so a wave of relief washed over me when I could see the exit in the end of the hallway. With a smile I put my hand on the handle and pushed only to realise that it didn't move an inch. I tried again, this time with the full weight of my body behind the force but I still couldn't disrupt it. My heart was beating a hundred miles a second and tears were threatening to fall from my eyes. My body slid down the wall and sat down on the floor, I curled into a ball instantly and I couldn't keep my tears in anymore. My hands were shaking as I reached for my phone in my pocket in hope of being able to call my mother. Not surprisingly, it was dead.

I can't believe I got locked in the school.

Scolding myself for acting like a little baby I wiped the tears away and stood up on shaking legs.I decided to put my bag and jacket back into my locker so that I don't have to carry it everywhere when I obviously would be spending my night here. Sadly I couldn't use the flashlight on my phone so I had to feel my way along the walls and surprisingly I didn't trip once. As I approached my locker I could hear a faint sound coming from around the corner in the end of the hallway. Curiosity took over me; I quickly put my things in my locker and started heading towards the sound. As I got closer I recognised the song playing, I didn't know what it was called but I know that I had heard it before. I rounded the corner and was met by a light, a light coming from one of the many dance halls in the school.

I leaned against the doorframe when I reached the room and just observed the person in there. I knew who he was, everyone knew who he was and not just because he and his band debuted but also because he has been quite popular ever since kindergarten. We had been best friends once but then he went off to become a trainee and I guess we just drifted apart. We still greet each other in the hallway but other than that it's just awkward every time we meet each other. It's a shame really.

He had always been good at dancing but I had forgotten exactly how good he was. I was almost mesmerised by the way he moved. It was as if the air carried him, his moves were sharp when needed and soft when the music slowed down. I think that the song that played was one of his own and that's why I recognised it. Suddenly he stumbled over his feet and fell onto his back. I was quick to run to his aid but not without giggles coming from my mouth.

"Oh my god, are you okay?" I said while laughing slightly. He was panting, as if he had been dancing for hours.

"You startled me." He got out between heavy breaths. "I got surprised when I saw you in the mirror and lost my concentration."

"Sorry about that." I helped him up into sitting position. "Maybe you should take a break." Jungkook looked at me like I was insane.

"Are you kidding, I've only danced for like two hours." I gave him a look that made him doubt his statement. "Right?"

"Check the time on your phone." He stood up and walked over to his bag.

"I promise, it's only like 5 pm" The light from his phone made him look even paler than he already was. Then his eyes grew to the size of plates. "It's freaking 9.30!" I nodded and sat down against the wall. He looked at me for a moment, thinking.

"What are you still doing in school?" He knew my parents were very strict on my curfew and they would be pissed tomorrow.

"I lost track of time while studying." I said and shrugged as if it was no big deal. I smirked.

"You've always been the good girl." I ignored that, surprised that the atmosphere wasn't as tense as it is otherwise.

"We're stuck here for the night." I said and let out a sigh.

"Great." He said sarcastically as he sat down beside me, the phone on the floor beside me. Out of boredom I picked it up.

"Hey!" He tried taking it back but I just stood up and went to the other side of the room, laughing along the way. He didn't have the energy to go after me, he just sat there whining at me. I successfully unlocked his phone, he hadn't even changed his password, and started taking some very ridiculous photos.

"You haven't changed at all, have you?"

"Of course not." I said cheerfully and sat down against the wall opposite of him. Bored out of my mind I started scrolling through his photos. My eyebrows scrunched together when I saw a locked map. He was never that private so I don't understand why he would have a map that he didn't want anyone to see. I tried that same password that I used to unlock the phone but it didn't work.

"Why do you have a locked map?" Instantly his face got red and he started stuttering.

"N-no reason." He looked down on his hands and started fiddling with his fingers, something he did only when he was nervous. I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Come on, you've never been a private person, Kookie." He looked up at me with a curious look. I always called him that when we were younger, he never really liked it but that was the reason as to why I gave him the nickname.

"I miss you, you know." He mumbled but I could still make out every word. I looked at him, not knowing what to say. "I hate that we drifted apart, I never meant for that to happen. You were my best friend and in my mind you still are. I will never find a better friend. And then when I came back it was so awkward and tense every time we talked and I hated it. I still hate it. I just want us to go back to the way we were; inseparable." He stood up and walked over to me and sat down. Gently he took the phone out of my hands and unlocked the map, then he gave it back. As I saw what the map contained my breath caught in my throat. Every picture, every video, was of us. Us as kids, pre-teenagers and even pictures from me now. Pictures he had taken without me noticing. If it was anyone else I would've been creeped out but this was Jungkook. I looked at him and he was surprisingly close to my face.

"I've never really wanted to be friends with you though." He continued and put a strand of my hair behind my ear. "I've always wanted to be more but I was scared. I didn't want to lose you but thanks to that I lost you anyways. I should've tried harder to keep in touch but I didn't want to annoy you. It only resulted in me losing you." I opened my mouth to say something but he pushed a finger on my lips and shushed me. "No, don't say anything. Can we just sleep for now and deal with my confession in the morning, please." I couldn't bear to see him like this, so exhausted, so I just nodded. He then surprised me by lifting me up in his arms and carry me to the very uncomfortable couch in the corner of the room where he put me down. He hesitated but I pulled him down and made him wrap his arms around me, he would fall otherwise.

Before we both fell asleep I imagined his expression the morning after when I would tell him that I actually liked him back.


My brother is being a super ass, but this imagine makes me happy. I am so tired and I can't even FINISH THIS STOOPID HOMEWORK BEFORE I DIE OF SLEEPING AND BTS'S HOT VOICES. Like dude, am I the only one who literally cries when they hear BTS anywhere or when they see A FUCKING CUTE VIDEO OF THEM. Whale, I'm weird, baiii people.

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