At least until Yoongi had to ruin it.

"You should meet my parents. Finally. You only ever come round when they aren't home, and they want you. You should come today."

You stilled in all movement as you followed him down the hidden pathway in the city, overgrown with twisting vines and flowers which bloomed between the cracks of the bricks.

"I have plans..."

"No you don't," he groaned, pulling you closer into him by your hand. "I know you don't. You can't avoid them forever. When we get married, are you just not going to invite them?"

"What if they don't like me?"

He scoffed. "They will. Trust me. You're such an upgrade from last time. And besides, we are completely, and unconditionally in love and they will just have to deal with it. And you're stopping the night anyway. Meeting them was bound to happen."

You frowned, walking beside him slowly. "What if I say something wrong?"

He shrugged. "Don't worry. You're overthinking. They'll adore you."

Introducing you to his parents was fine, and they were smiley and happy...but then the questions started piling up like books on your desk. After Yoongi stepped aside to take a phone call, you were left alone with Yoongi's parents in the kitchen. His mother drummed her fingers against the work surface, watching you from where you stood.

"You have a lovely home," you complimented quietly, and she hummed in response.

"Thank you," she replied, however her tone did not sound impressed. "You don't look Yoongi's type."

You froze. You immediately remember the words from Soobin and you faked a small smile.

"I've been told," you responded.

"So you agree?"

You paused. "I'm different compared to his ex girlfriend, I suppose."

She smiled with a expression which was difficult to read. "Indeed. Tell me, Y/N, where do you live? Is it close by?"

"It's just outside the city," you explained, your voice not very loud at all. "Near the big supermarket just before the city starts."

Yoongi's mother nodded once. "Isn't it a little rough in that part of town? I remember, Yoongi's close friend, Jimin, what a lovely boy, was friends with these seven boys. One of them was called Jackson, and he lived in that part of town. It's extremely rough out there. Do your parents work?"

"Yeah, they moved here to work in a higher position," you replied. You decided to keep quiet about Jackson.

Yoongi's father smiled from beside you, resting his hand on your shoulder.

"I'm sure you mean well," he stated. "Hopefully you can treat Yoongi better than the last one."

"She was awful," his mother added. "I knew the minute she came through the door that she was trouble. All she wanted was our money and sex. I warned Yoongi, but he didn't listen. He couldn't see."

"And unlike the last one," his father began, "I don't have a particularly bad feeling about you. Again, you don't look like someone who our Yoongi would go for, but it's not about the outside. As long as you treat Yoongi well, we should be fine."

You nodded, but before you could speak Yoongi had appeared by the kitchen door, smiling in at the three of you.

"Y/N," he said, his voice soft and calm. "I need to talk with my mom and dad for a minute, okay? Just wait in the living room, I'll be two minutes."

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