Whole night you twisted and turned, unable to sleep because you were too excited. Come on Y/n you willed yourself to sleep, you didn't want to meet him looking like a zombie but the thought of having a chance with him kept you up. "I promise"....

The next day you met with Jimin just as agreed upon, he was already there when you arrived so you fixed your hair as you walked over (not that there was much to fix anyway) taking a deep breath before you sat down at the opposite side of him. "Y/n" he smiles, "You're here on time" he looks over at his watch "You're here early" things were the same when you guys went on a date when you were younger, "You were always earlier than usual" "Blame me for being excited to see you" you laughed but on the inside you knew you were melting

"So why did you move to Seoul?" he asked with a cocky smile on his face, "In case you're thinking I didn't move here for you" "Of course not" he answers sarcastically which causes you to defend yourself "No Jimin I'm serious, I came here 'mostly' to move away from my parents and little bit because I decided to pursue my career in art after all" "Y/n that's amazing" he exclaims "I always knew you would do it anyway, tell me do you still have those drawings of me?" he flips his head "Please stop" you laugh at him. "Jimin?" you laughter stopping once a pretty girl comes up to him must be a fan "Yoora?" a fans name who he knows?

"Y/n this Yoora, Yoora this Y/n" "Oh" she pipes up "Y/n I've heard so much about you- she holds her hand to her mouth so Jimin can't see what she mumbles –His been talking about you ever since" you giggle, I hope that's true "Jimin did you tell her about the engagement?" she asks as she sits down beside him the next moments seeming to happen in slow motion for you.The ring, you note Jimin's wearing a ring how could I not notice that? Your eyes fall onto hers, keep it together Y/n on the outside you were all smiles congratulating them but it wasn't really you, no you were breaking down like a machine about to stop functioning as the begins to puff out.

"If you'd excuse me" you get up half running, half walking into the bathroom. You lean on the sink and try to regain your thoughts his engaged...? His engaged, no your dreams crushed in a matter of seconds "I need to get out of here" you speak to your reflection in the mirror, nodding to yourself as you splash your face with cold water.

You took another deep breath before heading in again, "I'm sorry- you say once you get back to the table –but my friend just called seems like she hurt herself at work" "I hope she's okay" Yoora says looking worried "Oh, she is" you force a smile "I'll see guys around then" you make your exit but Yoora calls out after you, "Y/n!" damn it "How rude of us- she says –we completely forgot to invite you to the here" she hands you a white envelope with both her and Jimin's names engraved on it in gold. You look over her shoulder at Jimin, his body structure changed from confident and cheerful to slump and miserable really? You try to mentally tell him but he got the hint, "Here" Yoora holds the invitation even closer to you but it took all your willpower not to snatch it out of her hands, instead you take it gently took out of hers "Thank you, I'll try my best to be there" "Oh I hope you will and so does Jimin" but by the look on his face that's not the reaction you think he would have.

When you arrive back at your place you throw your coat onto the floor along with your bag, "Jeez did the date go that bad?" no, it went worst you wanted to say but leaned on your friends shoulder instead as you began to cry. "Y/n?" as confused as she was she comforts you anyway, stroking you gently on your back "Y/n what happened?" but instead you cried even harder holding onto her shoulder mumbling about how Jimin was engaged. "Y/n I don't know what you're saying" so you attempt again but it just came out as baby talk to her ears, "Okay how about you calm down first while I make you some hot strawberry milk?" thanks you mumble but even that wasn't audible.

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