"Hey, Harry!" Niall called.

"Hey, loser." Harry smiled.

Niall rolled his eyes, "Dick." he muttered under his breathe. "Did you hear about the new kid?"

"New... are they in our grade?"

"Yeah, I heard he got expelled from his last school, so his family moved here. That could be a rumor though, people come up with a lot of shit..."

"He, you said?"


"... I do need a new boy toy. Every one else here is boring."


"Niall, I could never break your heart," Harry frowned, "I love you too much. Now I need to go to my locker."

Harry was getting his books for next period, Niall gasped, "Hazz, that's him." He whispered quietly.


Niall slyly pointed to a guy about six lockers down, on the top row.

"Well. With how close his is, I'm guessing his last name starts with a T. And, oh my hot damn, he's hot."

"That was really... kinda creepy... And yes he is."

"Niall no, you have Liam. He's mine." Harry protested quietly.

"Ugh, whatever." Niall rolled his eyes.

Harry snickered and shut his locker, "Let's go, we're gonna be late."

Niall groaned again, "I hate World History, though."

"And I don't care, neither of us is failing."

"What if I want to?"

"Over my dead god damned body."


Harry was excited to see that the new kid was in his World History class. Mr. Dun always called out to people for attendance, so Harry would hear his name.

Harry got extremely bored, it took the teacher like... five minutes to call for ten kids.

"Harry Styles?"

"Here." Harry bit his lip.

"Louis Tomlinson?" Harry's eyes went wide... that is a hot name.

"Here." Louis grumbled, three seats over from Harry.

'His voice is so hot, I could her him talk all day.' Harry thought, dreamily. He could get used to this.

"So, we are doing a project all week." said Mr Dun. "Now before you all groan and complain, let me explain. You can work with partners, and it's not homework. You will only work on it in class... Since we have been talking about the French Revolution, I want you and your chosen partner to do a report over Napoleon Bonaparte."

Harry internally groaned, "Niall," he whispered under his breath, "Niall," he said a tiny bit louder. The teacher separated them, because they were always talking, but that didn't stop them.

Niall looked back and mouthed to harry, "What?"

"I'm going to die." Harry frowned. He hated when Mr. Dun chose partners, because he always put Harry with the really stupid kids, expecting Harry to help them, then what really happens is Harry does all the work.

"Same, though." Niall rolls his eyes.

"Harry, Niall, are you two listening?" The teacher glared at the two boys.

"Yes." Harry answered back.

Mr. Dun sighed and went back to saying something. When he was finally done lecturing he started splitting people into partners.

"Niall and Zayn." Niall looked back at Harry and silently begged for help, Harry giggled to himself. Niall has had the biggest crush on Zayn, ever since about second grade... now they're Juniors.

Zayn picked up his stuff and switched places with the person that sat next to Niall, and scooted their desks next to each other.

Mr. Dun kept naming off more pairings, "Harry and..." he paused, and looked at his computer. Harry groaned, the teacher always did this. He would choose the person that was currently failing and put them with Harry. Harry had been a straight A student since the beginning of the year, World History was one of his stronger subjects in school.

"Harry and Louis," Mr. Dun said after a minute of silence.

Harry felt a slight flush make its way onto his cheeks. Harry looked to Niall, and Niall just smiled and gave him a thumbs up. Harry glared at Niall, then looked back at Louis, who was un-moving, not even looking at Harry... Or anywhere near his direction for that matter. Harry sighed, looks like he was the one moving. Harry moved his stuff to the empty desk next to Louis.

"Hi, 'm Harry."

"Louis." Harry could instantly tell that Louis was in a bad mood.

Harry reached up to fix his curls and his flower crown, then pulled out his history book.

"So, I'm guessing 'm gonna be doing all the work?"

"What makes you assume that?" Louis gave Harry a look. Harry couldn't describe it, but Louis was mad.

"W-well... Mr. Dun usually puts me with the people that are- uh- f-failing.."

"I just got here, nice of you to assume I'm a failure."

"No! No that's not what I meant! I-I'm just used to doing a-all the work."

"Well I don't like working with people so don't talk to me." Louis grumbled.

"Okay..." Harry whispered.

'So much for becoming friends with Louis', Harry thought.


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