Chapter 13:What am I?

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"The work of the nobles under me has been deemed equally unsatisfactory, and for this, I am sorry. As such, amends shall be made. I shall step down as king and leave this land. The nobles who have recently joined our empire shall take over, electing a new king and ruling jointly and justly. As for the old nobles..." There was a glimmer on his face, until he hurriedly wiped his eyes.

"...They have been....dealt with. However, these children, blameless of their parents crimes, shall be given the chance to better themselves. They shall work as servants to the new nobles however their skills are seen fit, and when they are completely loyal to this new government, they shall be given a small holding and receive back their titles." He sighed, and stunned silence from the children below, the peasants gathered around.

A Fauxman smiled and stood beside the king, clapping him on the shoulder."Good man!"

The king looked at him sullenly, then turned and left.

The man smiled."My name, good people, is Valga, and I am pleased to say that this is an era of acceptance! We are all one nation, one people! There are no Fauxmen here! I am a Vraiman, just as much as any of you, as your former king!"

He smiled, raising his hands to the sides in a welcoming gesture, as both Fauxmen and the Vraimen who had joined them filed in front f the children."Now, answer my question! What am I?" There was silence, and the soldiers drew weapons."What am I!?" Valga repeated, more forcefully.

The peasants below called reluctantly."Vraiman!"

He smiled and laughed."Good! Again!"





There was silence as that one word rang out. Vaussten looked up in surprise at his sister. Vialla called it again."Murderer! You're nothing but a murderer, all Fauxmen are murderers, and any who stand and listen to this nonsense are just as bad!"

Vaussten tugged on her dress."Sis, calm down, they're-"

Vialla ran in front of the crowd of children, where all could see her."Fight! Kill these damn murderers, fight! Fight!" She was screaming desperately, almost like a madwoman as she desperately tried to gain support. Not a single man spoke up, no one rose, no one joined in her protest.

Valga sighed."Vikram? Subdue her, but be careful. Pretty girl like her would make a fine sla....servant." He corrected himself, remembering the large crowd gathered.

Vikram saluted, then walked forward."C'mon girly, you've had your little speech, now-"

Vialla glared and held out a hand, making a diamond appear in the form of a short sword."Murderer!" She shrieked, cutting out at him.

He leaned back to avoid it, but it lengthened in her hands, scratching his eye and nose."Gah! Son of a....You stupid-" He put a hand on his face, feeling blood trickle between his fingers.

Valga held his hand to the side, and one of his attendants handed him a crossbow.

He aimed and fired without hesitation, piercing through her heart. She collapsed without another sound. He looked over the crowd."Anyone else!?" He demanded. There was no noise, and he nodded."Take them away. Long live the New Republic of Vrai!"

Vaussten was lead off in chains, sobbing and cursing himself for cowardice. He glared sullenly at the man they called Vikram, who glared back, putting a hand on his new scar. He glared down at the chains on his wrist. Oh, how he wished he were free, had a sword in his hand. How he wished those chains would break. How-

As he though this, the chains crumbled away to dust. What a stroke of luck! They must have been weak chains! He looked down at the ones on his feet. Now, if only those would-Yes! They crumbled away as well, freeing his feet. He looked at Vikram, who was facing forward as he marched. If only that bastard's head would explode, then things would be perfect! He waited a moment, then sighed in disappointment. Perhaps that had been a bit greedy. He waited only a moment longer, then ran for the tree line.

"Sir!" Vikram turned as a soldier called, seeing Vaussten running fast. "Orders?" Asked the soldier.

Vikram waved a hand dismissively."Feh. It's only one, and he's heading for the Coldwoods. Eisen'll kill him before he can even blink. Not worth the effort."

And so, Vaussten ran. He would eventually be found by a patrol of Eisen and brought to their leader. The leader, fortunately, was kind, and raised the orphaned boy as his own alongside his true born son;Guilta.

Vaussten groaned and stood, brushing himself off."Phew! I want to make this really clear, that was NOT me. I-" he frowned, seeing no one else was nearby, save a shadowy figure who walked towards him. His frown deepened as he studied the man,

It was not unusual for magic users to appear younger than normal, as seemed to be the case here. His black hair was interlaced with locks of wiry gray. His face had some signs of age, a wizened look about it, and a few folds of skin showing in the corners of his eyes.

But, what stood out particularly to him was that he felt he recognized him. It was only when he reached to his side and pulled out something that it hit him."That...That sword..." It was the blade that Vialla had made that day, and Valga smiled."Like it? I got it from the corpse of some upstart nobles brat...before I tossed the corpse to the dogs, that is." He glared, fully recognizing him now."You....You bastard! You killed my sister!"

He smiled."Ah yes, I recognize you now. Little boy Aurega, all grown up. And a born magic user too, or you'd be a hunched over coot by now. Far from it, if the rumors about The Ruin are to be believed." He smiled."Same goes for me, of course. Just turned eighty last week." He laughed."So, feel like catching up, or-"

Vaussten roared and ran forward, punching him in the jaw. He slid back a few feet, then chuckled."I thought not...but bear in mind, that's the only one you get for free."

Vaussten glared."Fine by me. You're going to pay...Murderer!"

Demon(#Wattys2017 Entry)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora