Part 5.1

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The story is catching up to the publication date of the book on April 12, so I'm going post every week now, hopefully every Friday. You've only read one third of the book, so please preorder the book from Amazon for the whole story at once! You can find the link on my profile. From this point on are my favorite parts because Vecto gets to planet hop in search of Morphaal!

(Previously: Although Vecto lost his TAC ID in space, he uses disguises to find his way to Erich's room, where he stays the night.)

"R-R-Rob?" Trip woke up early in the morning, realizing that Rob's bed was empty and that the cushion was no longer there. "Hey, Erich," he called out. He rubbed his eyes and sat up, shaking his head to wake up. Erich didn't respond; he must have still been asleep. He blinked and looked at the table between the bunk beds. Erich's suit was missing.

"Erich?" he said again and stepped from the bed, sliding slippers on his feet, not wanting to touch the nasty floor. He walked over to Erich's bunk and climbed the ladder with a handkerchief. As he peeked his head over the top bunk, he saw he wasn't there. They must have gone to get breakfast, he thought.

Trip climbed back down the ladder. Cutlass was still snoring. He simply shook his head this time and left to take a particle shower.

* * *

"Attention. We are approaching planet Hodos in the Alpha Centauri system," Sarah's voice said over the intercom. "We will land shortly to undergo repairs. Please remain on this ship at all times. Only authorized individuals will be granted access to leave this ship."

It was now 7 a.m. Earth-standard time. Vecto stood at the end of a lounge next to a virtual arcade room, gazing at the panoramic view of space from the ship's window. He saw planet Hodos suspended in space. It was a mostly light blue planet with dark patches, home to many of the Magnatronians--and, of course, home to his friend Gyro, where his wife, Charisma, still resided. Vecto made a point to visit Charisma. Although she was an Exodite--longtime enemies to the Magnatronians--she happened to be Gyro's wife, the only reason the Magnatronians respected her.

"Beautiful view, isn't it?" Erich's voice echoed as he approached.

"Yeah," Vecto replied.

"Wish we could roam the planet while they make repairs."

"There's not much to look at," Vecto answered. "The Magnatronians are bred for war. Plus they don't get along too well with the Acaterran government. I'm surprised they're letting us land."

"You must have been there before," Erich gathered.

"I had a friend who grew up on this planet. I plan to visit his gravesite to pay my respects."

"Well, good luck on getting a pass," Erich said. "Sorry you lost a friend, though. I know how it feels." He leaned against the window seal to get a better view of space. "That reminds me. You still gotta get a new TAC, you know? Mind if I come along?"

"I'll be fine," Vecto said, still staring out the windowpane.

"Well, want to join me for breakfast then?"

Vecto turned around and walked off. "Maybe another day."

Erich was worried about his abruptness. "All right, but take care," he said as he leaned his back on the window sill. "You're welcome to stay at our quarters."

"Thanks," Vecto acknowledged, disappearing in the crowd.

(Will Vecto get another TAC? And how does he plan to sneak off the ship? Find out more in the next installment of Vecto: Voyage!)

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