Part 8.9

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(Previously: Shadow attacks Chais with his arms and sword invisible. Chais strikes back at Shadow, but his sword is blocked by Vecto's orb, which fortunately still has some shield left. Shadow then disappears completely.)

In reflex, Chais shifted his eyes to look for him. He quickly grabbed another orb from his coat and threw it to the ground, jumping back. Purple smoke fumed in the air and solidified, but Shadow wasn't there. Chais glanced around, caught the glimpse of purple particles coming at him and blocked a sword. Some of the particles had attached to Shadow's body and sword. Chais could at least pinpoint him.

Shadow realized this and returned to visibility. "Clever. Now how about this trick?"

Suddenly, it was pitch dark. Chais couldn't see a thing. Shadow blocked the light to his eyes.

"Man, you're good, I gotta admit," Chais said.

He felt the sting of Shadow's katana cut his chest again. He stumbled back, trying to focus his hearing on Shadow. This time he was cut in the arm, then the other arm. He had to think of something—fast!

He went for a slash and could hear the metal clash of Shadow's blade blocking it. He jumped back and paused. "All right, all right! I give!" Chais yelled. "I'll go home."

His eyesight returned and he saw Shadow standing before him. Shadow smirked, then sheathed his sword.

"Hey, you know, you're not cuttin' to kill—I respect that," Chais said, dropping his sword and raising his hands. "You won! I got it, I'll leave."

It was a bit abrupt for Shadow. He was having fun but he shrugged anyway and urged him on with a wave of his hand. "Good. Now don't come back."

"Whatever you say," Chais said.

Shadow nodded and disappeared. He then reappeared on a pile of rubble, staring at the moon in the distance. It was a victory for him, yet he was unsatisfied. Most people he battled to the death, but this kid was different. Perhaps he knew his limits—knew he couldn't win and gave up knowing it would have gotten more brutal the longer they fought. Perhaps the kid wanted to survive so he could plan a sneak attack later and retrieve Vecto's orb.

Shadow paused. He was missing the orb! He looked back to see Chais hustling away and cursed himself. "You little thief!!"

He disappeared and ran for Chais. He sped to him and with a quick strike from the sheath of his katana, smacked him in the back of the skull. Chais tumbled across the concrete. His body flopped around as Vecto's orb rolled away. The kid wasn't moving.

Shadow reappeared and grabbed the orb—forming energy back around it. The kid had managed to steal the orb, even when he was blinded. How was that possible? He must have stored it in the back of his coat to hide it. Clever. He stepped over to Chais and picked his body up. He'll wake up soon, he thought, carrying him off.

(What will Shadow do with Vecto and Chais? Will they ever find Zendora and Morphaal? Find out more by purchasing Vecto: Voyage on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, or the Apple store and get ready for the twist ending!)

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