Ava - Chapter 10

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"But Mel!!" She whined trying to get Mrs Rose to look at her. She pouted, damn that's cute! She doesn't seem like a pouty girl! 

"Ava! Just be quiet! All of you have your punishment, now deal with it!" Ava rolled her eyes then smiled an evil smile; I don't think she even realised I was watching her. 

"Your not my favorite anymore..." She said quietly looking at Mrs Rose with the eyes. Mrs Rose snapped her head up at Ava, hurt clearly in her face. 

"Ava, you know I can't let this go without punishment, I'm sorry" she said softly now to Ava, who was now glaring at her. "Ava, I'm sorry!" She said getting up from behind her desk... I can't believe the head teacher is apologizing for punishing a student!  

Mrs Rose tried to hug Ava who didn't look at her and refused to un cross her arms "your never mean" Ava whispered and looked at Mel with the eyes! 

"I have to be, just this time I'm, sorry Angel" Mel told her still trying to hug her, Ava gave a small smile when she called her Angel. I looked around at Astrid and Harry who stared with wide eyes. 

"Nothing you can do fairy?" Ava asked now looking a bit guilty  

"Sorry Angel! But ill make it up to you I promise" Mrs Rose smiled at Ava and then looked at the rest of us "out! All go to your rooms you will not be aloud to have free time this evening" she told us still her arms wrapped around Ava, I was kinda jealous...

Ava's POV 

I walked into the room after Astrid and slammed the door. I was annoyed with Mel because she totally made me lose the bet but then she called me my nickname from when I was younger and I felt bad, I mean she is the head teacher I suppose.  

"Come on, it could be worst Ave" Astrid called from the bathroom 

"Suppose" I mumbled. Astrid didn't have to share a bed with a stupid, annoying and hot boy for the rest of the week. I groaned and put the pillow over my head and felt a dip in my bed  

"Avey baby, what's wrong?" Astrid said crossing her legs facing me 

"Nothing" I said into the pillow  

"Don't lie to me!" She told me sternly  

"I lost a bet to Jamie meaning he gets to sleep in here for the rest of the week" but due to the fact that I said it really fast with the pillow to my face it sounded like "ilostthebettojamiemeaninghegetstosleepinherefortherestoftheweek"  

"What? Take the pillow off your head" I did as she was told and repeated to her what I had just told the pillow "oh so that means Harry will be in a room all by himself..." Astrid said trying not to hint anything, I rolled my eyes at her. 

"You can't leave me!" I told her 

"Why? Your be fine!" She stated  


"No buts Ave, we are both going to be sleeping in the boys we like arms" she said dreamily 

"WHAT?!" I sat up so quickly my neck got cramp "I do NOT like Jamie!" I told her  

"Oh do you smell that?" She asked innocently, I raised an eyebrow at her "smells a bit like... BULLSH*T" she said crossing her arms  

"Is not!" I childishly said back 

"Is too!" She quickly replied 









A loud knock at the door stopped me from replying, Astrid took this as a win and smirked as she got up from the bed and headed for the door, I groaned laying back on the bed. 

"Oh, Hello JAMIE!" She said raising her voice when she said Jamie, grr! So getting her back for this! 

"Is Ava here?" I heard him ask 

"Where else is she going to be?" Astrid said sarcastic ly walking away from the door leaving it open - much to my annoyance! "I'm going to check..." Astrid trailed off as she looked between me and Jamie, who I was glaring at.  

"Harry. Yeah I know." I said venomously at her, she just laughed 

"See ya guys! Be safe!" She shouted as she ran out the door, the cheek of it!

Jamies POV 

She was glaring at me like a guard dog would do if it wanted to protect its food or something... Oh shit I just described Ava like a dog, she isn't a dog she is actually stunning! Ever since I saw her at the skate park I could see that. It wasn't that cheesy 'love at first sight' thing but it was like she was different to other girls.  

"You lost the bet" I told her walking over to her bed "which side is mine?" I smirked... I couldn't help it but I got to share a bed with her for the next week! 

"You can have Astrids considering she won't be here" she told me as she lay diagonally on the bed, clearly trying to not make space from me. What is it with her? Most girls would jump at the chance of sharing a bed with me! But not Ava, she also seemed to have some bi-polar mood swings with me; one minute she liked me and was flirting with me the next she was cold and cut off? What is with that?  

"I won the bet fair and square!" I told her as I pulled her legs away from one side and climbed on the bed kicking my shoes off in the process. She moved as far away from me as she could so her face was basically pressed against the wall, seriously what had I done? "So Avie..." I started not really knowing how to finish? I thought for a minute "what's up?" Wow what a creative way to start up a conovsation Jamie... I waited for her to reply but she didn't "Avie?" I asked again this time she rolled over and faced me with that 'if looks could kill glare'  

"Ill tell you 'what's up'" she spat out "I have to share MY bed, with some idiotic boy who thinks his gods gift, who snores, who thinks he can wrap his arms around me when he feels like it, who thinks that he knows me when he really doesn't!" She practically was screaming by the end of that... Awkward! I just looked at her blankly 

"Sounds like a cool guy" I replied coolly and instantly regretted that come back when she kicked me with her horse kick!  

"Your boring me, go away." She said bluntly as I rubbed my leg. 

"Oh I apologize" I say sarcasticly  

"Get over yourself J" she told me rolling her eyes  

"I'd rather get over you" I say winking  

"Oh, nice come back" she said "now wipe it off your chin, jerk." I stared at her with my mouth open, where does she get these from!?  

"Truce?" I asked her quietly 

"Only if you don't touch me" she told me. Don't touch her? What does that mean? This girl gets more and more confusing as the days go on! 

"We don't have to go to sleep yet? Its only like ten past ten?" I tried changing the subject, hoping she would want to stay awake! 

"I'm sleeping, shut up." She growled back at me. I rolled my eyes, trust Ava to disappoint! 

"Night Avie" I told her as I laydllaid in the middle of her bed about a centermeter away from her, obliging to her 'don't touch me rule".

She is a bit of a weirdo, but in the good weird way? Oh damn now I'm not even making sense!

Okaaaaaaay! I know its short! But I wanted to upload :) alsooo I have a question to ask which could at least Just ONE person awnser!! all I'm asking is for ONE( I don't expect anymore) to tell me weather to carry on in Jamies POV or stick with Ava?

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