Ava - Chapter 1

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Because she guessed who the next girl would be! Well done honey!!!

I have done both chapter because i think they are realllyyy short and i wanted to give you readers more to read :)

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Ava - Chapter 1


EKKKKK!! I looked out the window at the giant school (more like castle) in front of me! No way am I staying in a castle for 3 weeks! I guess Mum making me go to summer school isn't all bad and also it’s a school for singers and dancers so at least I'm not doing actual work, added with my mum’s bribe of a new wardrobe and basically unlimited pocket money for the 3 weeks, so I'm happy!

I walked into the empty school; it’s so big and quiet! The main entrance was elegant and classic with big widows letting in the bright sunlight. I followed the signs to the headmistress’s room and found a women sitting at a desk outside a door that read "Mrs Melody Rose" and walked towards it

"Excuse me, can I help you?" The little desk women said

"Yeah, is Mel in there?" Well clearly the door has her name on it?

"Yes, but you can't go in their Mrs Rose is busy at the moment." What a annoying women she can't tell me who I can see and cant

"Not busy enough for me" as I walked up and opened the door and their she was sitting behind a desk looking at papers

"No, you cannot go in there. Get out!" I heard the annoying women say and Mel looked up

"AUNT MELLLLL!" I shouted and ran to her

"Ava! Dreary me! Is that really you?" She laughed as she got up and hugged me. Mel wasn't really my Aunt, she was my godmother - my mums best friend who lived halfway across the world and yet her and mum are still best friends. The last time I saw Mel was about 4 years ago when I was bridesmaid at her wedding

"Umm, I'm sorry Mrs Rose she just barged in, I couldn't stop her..." What a pathetic women

"Its fine Sue, will you get me another cup of tea please. Would you like anything Ava?" Mel said still hugging me

"Umm coke, thanks Sue." I said her name sarcastically. Me and Sue are going to have problems I can see that.

"Ava! I still can't believe it’s actually you! You have grown up so beautifully! You look so much like your mother!" Mel gushed over me for about the millionth time... I have spent the last few hours talking to Mel about everything that's happen since I last spoke to her. Me and Mel have a great relationship, she helped me and mum get through a rough patch when I was about 13-14.

"Well anyway as much as it’s wonderful to see you but I best get back to this stupid paperwork! And anyway we have 3 weeks of each other! Now the rest of the students will be here in a couple of days so basically you have free run of the school and you can pick what room you want in the girls dorm! I'm going to ring your mum and tell her you got here safely, get Sue to get Barry to bring your bags up once you have chosen your room" I get to run around a school for 2 days woooooo!

"Okay Mel! Thanks for everything! I’ll come round about 9 for dinner?"

"Yes Hun! I’ll see you then"

"Ava Melody Jacobs?" Sue asked me - yes my middle name is because of Mel!

"The one and only" I replied

"Here's your welcome pack to the school. It includes your time table, a map and other things" she handed me some fat booklet thing

"Thanks Sue" I said as I walked away

"Ava, since you’re a student at this school you should call me Miss Morris" Pah! She wishes

"No thanks, I like Sue" and strolled out of the room I heard Sue mumble something like "trouble maker" Whatever, I was here to have fun!

"Thanks Barry! You’re pretty cool you know!" I told him as he put my entire luggage in my pretty impressive room

"Why thank you Miss Ava, your pretty cool yourself! If you need anything let me know and I’ll be happy to help!"

"Will do" I closed my door in his smiling face. So after looking in EVERY room on the girl’s dorm I finally decided the biggest one on the third floor it also right outside my window I could climb on the fire exit stairs and get to the grounds. Naturally I chose the double bed by the window. There were two other singles beds in the room. Hmm sharing was not what I wanted but I guess I would have to... It’s not like I would have to talk to them.

I unpacked all my clothes and read through the boring welcome pack, I looked out the window over the high walls and saw a little park on the other side, and I checked my watch. 3 hours till I had to meet Mel for dinner

"Ill be back in a bit Barry" I waved as I walked out the main door and headed through the giant gate, crossed the road into the park.

It was a pretty small park; it had a big lake though. I walked towards the playground and I saw a skater ramp and someone was skating doing those impressive jumpy things, I headed over to watch.

He has naturally tanned skin, with dark hair that went into his dark eyes. His elbows were bleeding where he had fallen over. As I got closer he lit up a cigarette and looked at me. I just sat on the bench and stared back at him.

Next Chapter straight awaaay! :)

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