Amelia - Chapter 9

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Amelia - Chapter 9

"Liaaaaaaaaa! Come on get up! Get up! We are going to swim with the dolflings and the stinging- rays!" Dolflings? Stinging -rays? Am I still dreaming? "Lia, Lia, Lia, Liaaaaaaa" Jake.

"Jakeeeey! Get off of me! I'm awake and its dolPHINs and sting-rays"

"Whatever! We are going to swim with them today! Mummy said you better hurry up and get ready before the boat dokes at land"

"Its dock Jake." Arggg far too early for his child like brain! At least today I wouldn't have to see Zan- Him as I would be with the family and David.

"Ohhhh Lia! Look! It’s like a giant flat cat!" So that's how Jake describes sting -rays... I do worry about him sometimes!

"Yeah, are you ready to go in the water with them?" I was excited about today but I was just so bloody tired! Me and Harry didn't go back to our Cabins till gone 3 half 3, probably nearer 4 in the morning and then Jake came in at 8. I should try and be more enthusiastic... For Jakey.

"Is it going to sting me?" Jake had asked the man

"No, we wouldn't let you in if they was going to hurt you, now are you and your mum ready to go in?" Mum?! Seriously!? How could I be his mum!? Did I look that old? I scoffed before I could deny anything I heard a familiar voice "Even though you had a kid I'd still tap that fine ass of yours Mils" Cole winked at me before jumping into the pool of giant flat cats - as Jake would call them! What a cheeky sod! I would be getting him back for that!

"Come on Jake" I grabbed his hand and lead him into the water using the step ladder still annoyed, mum? Come off it!

Jake squealed as another sting ray touched him

"There not going to hurt you Jakey, just be careful where you walk so you don't treed on one of them"

"Th-the-there so big" Jake said with wide eyes, oh no please don't cry! Not today pleaseeeee! Oh I spoke far too soon here come the water works "Liaaa, i-i-i don't like them" he said grabbing onto my neck - great.

"Jakey, its fine they won't hurt you. I promise. Look this one came to see if you’re okay because he thought he had hurt you!" I said pointing to the fish that had poked itself out of the water - excellently improvisation there Millie, mental pat on the head for you!

"R-r-r-really?" Jake suddenly becoming less tearful

"Yeah, he didn't want to hurt you Jakey. None of them do! They just want to swim with you." I said in a hopefully soothing voice. I was getting annoyed now, and I know I shouldn't take it out on Jake but there was no one else as mum had decided her and David were going to do shopping while we had stopped off and left me with Jake.

"Hey kid! Want me to put one on your back?" The man who had accused me of being a teenage mum shouted at Jake. Jake just looked at me for an answer

"Go on Jakey, ill come and watch" I smiled re assuring at him as I swam over to the man, towing Jake.

We were now standing in a shallower part of the sea watching this man trying to catch a sting -ray, Cole had come over to watch and was standing beside me, Jake was still clinging on to my neck.

"Kid you’re going to have to let go of your mamma if you want to have the sting ray" the man told Jake as I huffed and glared at him about to tell him I'm not his mum but Jake willingly let go and stood in the water waiting for the ray.

Oh my shittt! It was massive! Basically the size of Jake! I watched as the man laid this beast on my little brother, oh my god! What if it eats him!? I started walking towards Jake to help him

"Leave him Millie, his a big kid. Let him do stuff without his mum" Cole smirked at me, Jerk.

"I don't even look old enough to be a mum?!" I whined

"I know, you look far too young and beautiful!" And now was Cole flirting with me? Boys get weirder and weirder.

"Smile Jakey!" I said as I took a picture on the underwater camera that had been attached to my wrist.

"Oh" giggle "my god" giggle "it" giggle "tickles" giggle "sooo much!" More giggles, I couldn't help laughing at him!

"Want me to take one of all the family?" I give up trying to tell this man Jake is not my son and head over to were Jake is standing "I meant the Daddy as well?" Looking at Cole. I stared open mouthed at Cole’s reaction

"Of course, come on then my beautiful wife and child, let's get one for the empty frame in the living room" Cole was trying hard not to laugh as he come in between me and Jake putting his arm around us whispering in my ear "if he is trying to imply me and you spelt together I would gladly agree" Cole winked at me

"Smiles everyone!" And then the click of the camera went.

A/N: yessssssssssss i know its short and you want to know the plan that Harry and Amelia thought out but that will be in the next one! I just wanted to add a little bit of Jakey into the story because i think he is soooo cuteee!!

Also i have just uploaded a new story called 'Ten Mintues of Freedom' please check it out!!


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